St John the Baptist - Finchingfield (1861)

At Finchingfield, near Braintree, meetings were held by the Woolwich Boys and crowned with an abundant blessing. But that it be remembered that both the ministers of the village had been lifting up their hearts for this and God heard and answered. The whole village was one scene of devotion. The people assembled to hear an hour before the meeting is commenced, some coming six or 7 miles to the place. A considerable number, it is believed found peace.

From, 'The Revival', Volume iv, 19th May 1861

A considerable religious awakening has lately taken place, especially amongst the poor in this village, and the places of worship here are now crowded to excess. Various meetings take place among the labouring classes themselves in which they encourage and edify one another, and such a change is manifest in the population of this locality that it is the subject of conversation for miles around. It is believed that the preaching of the vicar, the Rev. George Mansfield, has been mainly instrumental in this altered state of things and that his labours amongst the poor have been unusually successful. Would that such a state of things could be re-reported of every place in the land.?Halstead Times.

From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume V, page 190.

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[caption id="attachment_20214" align="aligncenter" width="3648"]St John the Baptist church, Fitchingfield St John the Baptist church, Fitchingfield[/caption]

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