Brighton (1862)

At the close of the farewell address at Brighton, among a large number who stood in tears, rejoicing in having found Christ at the meetings, was one person who was in deep concern of soul about her salvation, exclaiming audibly, “Oh, that I could be saved! Oh that I could go to heaven, to Christ, and my children, when I die!“ I told her of Christ; pointed her to a few passages of the word. She looked up, as for life and said, “Is it only to believe?“ I replied, “Only to believe.“ On hearing which, from sheer joy she fell with her face to the platform, and for a few minutes was unable to rise; after which she stood, praising God, and singing with a number of others, “Glory, honour, praise and power.” 

"The Revival," January 1st, 1863.

Harrison Ord has lately visited Brighton. He held a meeting and preached to some 5,000 people. God has been pleased to give him many souls for the hire of his labour and he has had some glorious letters sent to him of the conversion of souls. If, sir, you had seen the tears come from the people's eyes it would have done your heart good; and at the after-meetings God was pleased to give his Holy Spirit, and many were born again.

"The Revival," May 21st, 1863.

A good work is going on at this time. Our dear brother of the Lord, John Vine has been labouring here and had some glorious meetings; God blessed his own word. The recent delightful weather drew many of all classes to this beautiful watering place, and in the evenings, thousands are walking on the Esplanade. As our divine Lord and Master tells his servants to go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, our brother Vine took his stand on one of the seats every evening, and preached Jesus and Him crucified. On Sunday evening, John Vine, and several other dear brethren spoke of the Saviour; there must’ve been at least 800 or 1000 people present. As they were passing along their attention was arrested, and persons of all classes stayed for a whole hour listening to the sounds of love and mercy echoing from Calvary. Many were evidently affected, and tears were seen rolling down their cheeks. We distributed several hundred tracts, which were received willingly. At the close of the service, a gentleman came up and said, "I have no doubts souls have been saved tonight." The next day a lady and gentleman met Mr Vine, and said, "I am glad to find you are trying to do good wherever you go. We were present last evening and our boy was so affected that he could not sleep all night; stay a minute and he will be here; we wish you to speak to him." The young man came up, evidently in great concern about his soul, and appeared to receive much comfort from the word spoken to him.  The same day, a poor fellow came to my house and said he was glad Mr Vine ever came to Brighton.

"The Revival," June 18th, 1863.

...Many elders – young and old, men, women and children, some of Mr Denham Smith, others, under Richard Weaver, and many more recently, through the preaching of Harrison Ord, H. M. Hooke and Willy Redfern – had been saved by the blood of Jesus.

… after 10 o’clock, Mr Hooke asked for all those who had found Christ through the preaching of himself and Willie Redfern during the last six weeks, would stand and at least 50 arose. He afterwards asked all who had been converted under the special services under Mr Denham Smith, Richard Weaver, Ord, himself, and others would rise, and few were left keeping their seats.

The question arises, who is the care for these converts? God has sent forth evangelists, will he withhold pastors after His own heart? Impossible. We rejoice to learn that the churches at Brighton are beginning to comprehend that by showing coldness to the work, they are not only fighting against God, but forsaking their own mercies.  May the Lord turn his preserving hand upon the little ones and open the hearts of his older children.

"The Revival," April 21st, 1864.


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