After nearly two years of waiting upon the Lord in united prayer, He has been pleased to send much blessing in this place; He is now daily adding to the number of "those who have believed through grace." On the 26th ult, Samuel Jeffcock arrived here, and the day following he was joined by James Pugh —both zealous evangelists, who have laboured night and day for the salvation of souls, Monday (2nd) there was a tea-meeting for the converts, at which many made. “a good profession before many witnesses.” The first to speak was a converted violin-player. He said, “I am very happy to say the Lord has saved me, I stood on the Quay last Sunday week while Mr Pugh was telling an anecdote about the sudden death of a lady, after hearing the gospel preached. I thought, ‘What if it should be so with me? 'I got no settled peace till the Tuesday, when I got a sight of Jesus on the cross. I was made so happy that I wept for joy. You all know me. I play the violin, in the Louisa. I went on board the steamer, and a lady said, “Have you lost a friend?" “No” said I, ‘I have found one—I have found Jesus.' I am very happy. I hope God will keep me." One of the next was a poor fallen one, whose prayers, tears, and entire change of conduct and appearance, were observed by all her former companions. "I have walked the streets for two years, a wicked sinner I have been, but God has forgiven me. Jesus has saved me, Lord have mercy on my old companions! Cry out for mercy, as I did. The Lord heard me, and He will save you." A sailor, with tears, said: "I heard Mr Jeffcock on the text, ‘The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.' I followed him to the chapel. The Lord spoke peace to my soul." His wife said, "I was convinced of sin the same night, and since then have found Christ." She then sank down, overcome with emotion. A tall man, a shipwright, said "My old companions are here scoffing at me, but I am not ashamed of Jesus. He has saved my soul, and by the help of God, I am determined to serve Him while I've breath. I was convinced of sin at the open-air preaching. They spoke and prayed with me, and I found Christ." Another, "I was spoken to by the converted violin-player on Sunday. I can say, ‘Christ for me!' "Another said she was brought to the "Bethel," on Friday, through hearing, "Come to Jesus," sung. A lad, "I was laughing and marching in the meeting; but when they sang,
‘I do believe, I will believe, that Jesus died for me,'
I felt I was a sinner. Now the Lord has saved me." He was obliged to stop here, his feelings overpowering him. A sister of the Magdaline alluded to, said, "I wish to express how the Lord has saved me, by the singing,
‘Happy day, when Jesus washed my sins away,'
The hymn was then sung with much joy, by the company. A man then said "Last night you asked me, sir, could I say ‘Christ for me.' I was too full to answer you. The Lord saved me then. I do say that we old men ought to be ashamed of ourselves, that we did not come to Christ before. My wife found rest in Jesus last week, and now we are both happy. 'We could not sleep last night for joy; so we prayed and thanked God." Many have a similar testimony, to the glory of God's grace. 'We ask the prayers of your readers that both converts and the instruments in their conversion may he kept, the former steadfast, the latter humble, giving God the glory.
From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume V, page 94-5.
Location unknown.