Byrom Hall, Liverpool - Richard Weaver (1863)

We have been favoured with a visit from our dear brother Weaver. He preached twice on Sunday, the 25th January. The sermon in the evening was a most powerful one, deeply solemn and impressive; and while many found peace at the after-meeting, many others went away under deep conviction. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings he preached at Byrom Hall to overcrowded congregations and to a still larger one on Friday evening in the Drill Shed, Birkenhead.

The fruits of these efforts eternity alone will reveal but God gave his servant to see much immediate blessing:and we know his word will not return to Him void.

The labours of Mr. Guinnes at Byrom hall, followed by Mr. Weaver and to be continued by others, warrant us in looking for showers of blessing and we trust the light of divine truth will penetrate the dark sinks of iniquity in this large and wicked town and drag many poor sinners out of the mire and the clay. One thing we know and that is that hell trembles at these efforts of God's servants and though infidels and scoffers revile, Jesus smiles and bids the work go on.

"The visit of Mr. Weaver has made manifest the want in Liverpool of a large Union hall capable of holding 3000
to 4000 people. The Special Service Committee were naturally anxious to secure large places for him to preach in, but the largest they could get was the Concert hall and Byrom-hall, both comparatively small. Hundreds and thousands could not get in. Those mistaken ministers and deacons who refused him their chapels, capable of holding 500 or 1000 more than either of the above places, would do well to ask themselves in the sight of God what He thinks of closing pulpits against one whom He has honoured so much in the conversion of souls, thereby preventing 500 or 1000 hearing the gospel from him. Might not those shut out have been converted? The fear of dirtying pews and injuring cushions and of hearing now and then an ungramatical expression, seem feeble excuses when immortl souls are in the balance.

We doubt not that angels have rejoiced over many repenting sinners during this visit, which we hope ere long will be repeated. Our fervent prayer is that the Lord will keep our dear brother near to Himself, and long spare his life and make him a far greater blessing than ever to the vast masses of the people in his native land. Truly, in raising up a collier in our day and a tinker in days gone by, God laughs at the wisdom of men and shows that it is not by migh nor by power, but by His Spirit, and thankful should the churches be to rejoice in the labours of those whom He has endowed with gifts, whether they be ordinary or extraordinary.

"The Revival", February 5th 1863.

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