Cotmanhay (1863)

I left Conor for Cotmanhay, stayed here fourteen days and held sixteen services. The devil raged and the truth was greatly opposed, but through grace, at length I prevailed with the Lord in my closet; saints were (so to speak) reconverted, and sinners fell under the Word. Christ conquered stout-hearted men and women, and I received the names of several blessed cases of conversion. One of these was a poor old woman seventy-one years of age, and another sixty-five, and about eleven of this number were high-church folk. The poor colliers (God bless them) presented me with a nice pocket Bible, and begged me to prolong my stay, but I was obliged to leave, as my health gave way. Do pray much for me.

"The Revival," September 24th, 1863.

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Location unknown.

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