Siloh English Baptist Chapel, Tedegar (1863)

I send you an account of a short series of Revival services held at this place by Mr Opie Rodway, of Stroud. The first was a united prayer meeting on "Now I have found a friend; Jesus is mine." on Saturday evening, March 28 at the English Baptist Chapel. On Sunday afternoon Mr Rodway addresses the Sunday schools at the Welsh Chapel, where there were some 1500 persons present, most of whom appeared to be very deeply interested and affected. In the evening the service was at the English chapel and at the close of it several persons remained to enquire what they must do to be saved. On Monday evening Mr Rodway spoke with great power, and upwards of thirty were overwhelmed with a sense of God's presence. A great many people having on the two previous evenings failed to gain admission to the chapel. Mr Rodway occupied the large Temperance Hall and addressed from 1,800 to 2,000 people. On the following evening a conversational meeting was held at the chapel, which was again crowded. At this meeting Mr Rodway, being unable to stay longer, took his leave of us; and this in the estimation of many was the most impressive and affecting of all the meetings. At the close of it nearly fifty persons professed they saw the way of salvation, and tasted the Saviour's grace as they had never done before. At eight and twelve o'clock each day there was a prayer meeting at which Mr Rodway gave an address. The people flocked to each of these meetings from their work instead of going home to their meals, feeling that in reality it was good to be there. The results of these services, as far as we have seen, are that we have added sixteen to the church; that we hope shortly again to add about twenty more; and that several others have joined other churches in the town. The congregation has increased, the Sabbath school is better attended, the prayer meetings have been enlivened, and everyone's spirit has been refreshed. 

"The Revival," May 14th, 1863.

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