On Wednesday, 18th September, 1861, the Presbyterian Free Church in Salford was occupied. As on the preceding night, there was a good many anxious souls; at the close, nearly the whole congregation remained for conversation. The scene was now most solemn. In every part of the church were to be seen anxious persons weeping over their sins and asking what they must do to be saved. A soldier stood up and modestly declared what great things God had done for his soul; how at one of these meetings he was brought to see the error of his way and to flee to Jesus; and now he was rejoicing in a covenant Saviour. Another soldier also rose up and urged his mates to turn at once to the Lord. Many were melted to tears by the simple story of redeeming love as told by these men and by others in the meeting. The vestry and school room also filled with anxious enquirers and not a few seemed that night to pass from death unto to life. Mr Reginald Radcliffe has been greatly encouraged by the signs of awakening in Manchester.
From, 'The Revival', Volume v, 5th October 1861.
I do not know where this church was.