Scalloway Congregational Church - Shetland (1864)

Mr Nicolson writes:- What gave me assurance from the first that the movement here was from the Lord, was the absence of arousing speakers of any kind. Two deacons, from the Free and Independent Churches in Lerwick, came often over to my assistance - Mr R. Bannatyne and Mr James Tulloch. As to fruit, I am only prepared to speak of those who have been united
with us in a church capacity, numbering forty-five, and varying in age from fourteen to seventy years, who, at the end of six months seem to be living epistles, laying themselves out as far as can be for the salvation of others. The latter time of the movement was the season when the young men go to sea. I have had letters from Liverpool and other ports, indicating that the good the Lord has of late been doing may reach to distant parts of the world.  

(This relates to four towns on the Islands.)

No one can read the above extracts without being convinced that a very rich blessing from on high has been poured out on a number of churches nor without being stimulated and encouraged to abound in prayer and supplication for similar times of refreshing to them all. The Committee rejoices in the joy of those brethren who, having laboured long, have been privileged to reap so plenteous a harvest. On comparing the number of members in the aided churches at 31st December, 1862, with that of 31st December, 1863, after deducting deaths and removals, the Committee find there is a clear increase of 477 members; and, judging from the letters of pastors, the care and time bestowed in conversation with inquirers and applications for fellowship have been such as to justify a well-grounded hope that this addition has been composed, in so far as fallible man can discover, of those who have really been won to Christ. - Report of the Congregational Union of Scotland, 1864.

"The Revival," July 28th, 1864.

Additional Information

I do not know where the Congregational Chapel was.

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