Seion Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Chapel, Trealaw - Evan Roberts (1904)

The afternoon meeting was held at Zion Chapel, Trealaw, where Mr Evan Roberts attended at an early hour. It was some time before Mr Roberts was allowed to speak, so full of feeling were the people, and it was evident when next he essayed to, speak that he was labouring under very strong emotion, the tears streaming down his face, and with a sympathy which often exhibits itself very touchingly the people at once, obviously with the view of bringing a certain amount of relief to the evangelist, burst forth into singing O Gariad, O Gariad.” (“O, what love.”) Having regained his self-possession, he spoke with comparative ease, and in the course of his observations said that though he wished he could believe in the “larger hope” he was not able to see that the teaching of the Bible supported the holding of this doctrine. Having spoken eloquently of the Love of God, he went on to speak of his having been put to the test through being deprived of the consciousness of God being with him; how, under these circumstances, Satan had attempted to discourage him, and how he had rebutted the attack of the evil one by prayer and scripture. “Well done, ‘machan i’” (“Well done, my boy”) exclaimed a working man, and, though this caused some laughter, the congregation seemed heartily to endorse the interpolation, and they burst forth with “Diolch Iddo.” A Pembrokeshire minister having several times previously essayed to speak, now explained how his own county had not been privileged to come under the influence of the 1859 revival, but that this time it was abundantly blessed, and the preceding Sunday he had admitted to membership no less than 44 of all ages, ranging from an old man of 80 years of age down to a little child of ten years of age, and the scene, he said, was most striking. The evening meeting at Ebenezer Chapel, Tonypandy, was still more striking, and was remarkable for its cosmopolitan character. It was about seven o’clock before Mr. Evan Roberts accompanied by Miss Mary Davies and Miss Annie Davies arrived, but the big building had been filled since about five o’clock. At the very commencement a note was handed to and read by a local minister, which he had received from a woman who sought the prayers of the congregation for her children, whose names she supplied, and many were the responses. “This is the Lord’s doing, and it is wonderful in our sight,” remarked a Rossendale minister, and having bespoken the prayers of the congregation for Lancashire, he explained that he had been charged by a brother minister, who had had to leave in the afternoon, that they should pray for Manchester with its million and a half population. “Pray for Africa; I have come from Africa,” said an Army chaplain, and he related how a poor, wounded soldier in the South African campaign had trusted in his Saviour, and he besought the prayers of the people for the Army, the Navy, and for the Empire generally. Another confession—this time on the part of a man, who confessed himself to have experienced the seductions of the public-houses, the ballroom, the racecourse, and gambling, and, from bitter experience he advised young men and women to shun these things. In conclusion, he said that wherever he went in England Christian people prayed for Evan Roberts. Another man from the gallery said that he was the son of a licensed victualler, but had been instrumental in winning 40 souls for Christ.

From, 'The Western Mail', 21st December 1904.

Additional Information

This church was dismantled, brick by brick and put on a Japanese Golf Course!

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