Seion Welsh Independent Chapel - Meifod (1905)

The Revival is gaining strength in Meifod in recent weeks. In the Independent chapel, on Monday evening, the tide was high, some of the brothers and sisters in the best of spirits, and every indication that God's Spirit was powerfully at work. Friends of the three churches had arranged a day-long meeting on Wednesday to give thanks for the Spiritual harvest, and the Monday evening meeting was a foretaste of heaven's satisfaction with their great desire to give thanks. On Tuesday evening, at the Wesleyan Chapel, the cloud broke; this was one of the most remarkable meetings of these glorious weeks that we have experienced. The main target of the prayers was the drunkards and frequenters of taverns, and we believe the Great Head replied in a direct manner. Two came to the meeting between nine and ten o'clock, when the meeting was about to close; they were fairly heavily under the influence of alcohol, but they were in tears, confessing that they were struggling terribly. One brother broke out in pray for them, another followed, then another, then a fourth, until the whole place was on fire…

Y Cymro - 23rd March 1905.

Additional Information

Myned yn mlaen mewn nerth y mae'r Diwygiad yn Meifod yr wythnosau diweddaf. Yn nghapel yr Annibynwyr, nos Lun, yr oedd y llanw yn uchel, rhai o'r brodyr a'r chwiorydd yn yr hwyliau goreu, a phob amlygiad fod Ysbryd Daw yn gweithio yn rymus. 'Roedd cyfeillion y tair eglwys wedi trefnu i gael cyfarfod i ddiolch am y cynhauaf Ysbrydol ar hyd ddydd Mercher, ac yr oedd cyfarfod nos Lun yn flaenbrawf o foddlonrwydd y nefoedd i'w hawydd mawr am roddi diolch. Nos Fawrth, yn nghapel y Wesleyaid, torodd y cwmwl; dyma un o gyfarfodydd hynotaf yr wythnosau bendigedig ydym wedi gael. Prif nod y gweddiau ydoedd y meddwon a mynychwyr y tafarndai, a chredwn i'r Pen Mawr ateb mewn modd uniongyrchol. Daeth dau i'r cyfarfod rhwng naw a deg o'r gloch, pan oedd y cyfarfod i ar derfynu; yr oeddynt o dan ddylanwad y diodydd meddwol yn lled drwm ond yr oeddynt mewn dagrau yn cyfaddef eu bod yn struggle ofnadwy arnynt, a thorodd un brawd i weddio drostynt, un arall, un wedyn, a'r pedwerydd, nes oedd yr holl le ar dan…

Y Cymro - 23rd March 1905.


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