The old church above–the Jerusalem of the area at one time - has received a revival visit from Spirit of the Lord. Few could be expected from the world since the population is sparse and the number of listeners small. Four were baptized and one returned from the country of backsliding. Old and young, men and women are, and young men and young women, have broken the silence of their religious muteness, proclaiming their feelings and reviving the faithful brothers who have been keeping the door open in the evenings. The old garden is in bloom, with the spring of hope in its appearance.
10th March 1905, Seren Cymru
Mae yr hen eglwys uchod — Jerusalem yr ar i daloedd un amser, wedi cael ymweliad adfywiad oddiwrth Yspryd yr Arglwydd. Ychydig ellid ddisgwyl o'r byd, am fod y boblogaeth yn deneu a nifer y gwrandawyr yn fychan. Bedyddiwyd pedwar a dychwelwyd un o dir gwrthgiliad. Mae hen ac ieuainc, yn wyr a gwragedd, a meibion a merched, wedi tori ar ddistawrwydd eu mudandod crefyddol, yn dad-gan eu teimladau ac yn adloni y brodyr ffyddIon fuont yn cadw y drws yn agored yn y nos. Mae yr hen ardd yn blodeuo, a gwanwyn gobaith ar ei gwedd.
10th March 1905, Seren Cymru