At Dinas Cross, similarly to Newport, meetings of united Nonconformity have been regularly held each evening with like results. At Tabor Baptist Chapel meeting are now held each evening under the pastorate of Rev. J. W. Maurice,but united services are also continued in many of the chapels once or twice during the week. More of the quiet fervency is observed at the Dinas services than at those of Newport. From, The Cardiff Times and South Wales Weekly News, and thanks to David Pike and his website,
The revival has cast its sweet, pure and ever-conquering influences over the sea-coast village of Dinas, Pembrokeshire. For over a month united prayer meetings have been held nightly at each of the three no-conformist chapels, meetings which for the intensity of feelings, fervour ad far-reaching effects have not been surpassed anywhere. The young men’s and young women’s meetings are remarkable features of the revival. The kindling of the religious flame in this out of the way village is largely due to the excellent reports of the revival in the newspaper.
From, 'The South Wales Daily News', 5th January 1905.
Seven were baptised here in mid January.
The revival seems to have caught more of the ‘fire’ than ever. On Monday evening last, at Gideon, the placid form of prayer exhortation and confession gave way to outbursts of emotional feelings such as have not been witnessed in the place before… Converts came forward and confessed Christ spontaneously, the whole meeting simply glowing with fervent enthusiasm.
From, 'The County Echo', 2nd February 1905.
Though Dinas Cross has now seen the fifth week of the Revival, the meeting there are said to grow in intensity and fervour, and the attendance is well kept up. The meetings are held nightly, each chapel being visited in turn. Every Sabbath evening there is an united meeting at Tabor as being the larger chapel. New Year’s Eve was the most remarkable in the history of Dinas Cross. About 8.00pm considerably over 200 people met at Veidr Fawr, then the crowd marched in procession through the streets, singing well-known revival hymns. At 10.30pm an adjournment was made to Tabor Chapel where an united Watch Night service was held… The life of the people, we are told, is wholly transformed. There is no drunkenness, or profane language, and even among the children there is a notable change for the better… The number of people who have avowed themselves to become members of the various churches is 24.
From, 'The Pembroke County Guardian & Cardigan Reporter', 5th January 1905.