Bethesda Calvinistic Methodist Chapel - Mold (1905)

The revival continues to gather force in North Wales. A meeting held at Mold was remarkable for its power and effect. The leader was Rev. Seth Joshua (who was used of God in leading Evan Roberts into a glorious experience) M. Joshua called upon all the men present to sing a verse of ‘I Surrender’, and urged them to let the surrender include football, billiards, drink, and everything that kept them from Jesus Christ. Then he called upon the women to sing a verse and asked them to let the surrender include attendance at dances, chit-chat, gossip, and back-biting, all expensive forms of dress and living, and whatever hindered their progress as Christians. At the close of the meeting a large number of converts came forward. Prayer-meetings are being held in all Nonconformist places of worship at Mold. It has now been ascertained that the number of conversions, as a direct result of the revival movement in the Nantile Vale district alone, reaches the total of 480.

From, 'The Great Revival in Wales', by S B Shaw, page 111.

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