'For a month past meetings for united prayer have been held at the PBA Institute, Penarth. Special meetings were then organised at the Brethren's Hall, Tabernacle Baptist, Christ Church Congregational, Arcot Street Wesleyan and Trinity Wesleyan. There have been many conversions, and at several private residences young people have been meeting weekly for prayer. From, 'The South Wales Daily News', November 1904. 'last week there were over 100 converts at Tabernacle Baptist Chapel apart from other churches.' From, 'The South Wales Daily News', 15th December 1904. Penarth had held weekly prayer meetings for two years for revival. The fire came down on November 21st, the service ending at 10.00pm with five conversions. Nightly meetings began on November 24th. The 'South Wales Daily News' reported on 31st January 1905 that over 500 had professed conversion here.