We have had particularly good prayer meetings and sermons for some months now. Things changed here a few weeks prior to the end of last year, but the first two weeks of this year, particularly the first, were outstanding, meetings which will be long remembered. Seven new people here, two sisters and five brothers, heard Jesus inviting them to come and wash all their faults in the river of Calvary [quotation from hymn]. Oh, how happy we were to see them throwing themselves very contritely on the mercy of God, crying, 'I have sinned,' and the church praying and singing in tears of joy, 'Thanks be to Him.' This is a fine time, yes, delightful days. Oh, to be allowed to pitch our camp in them; and we are doing our best to do so, by continuing to pray for God to continue to remember us and to send his Spirit into our midst to bring in the rest of his inheritance. It is very encouraging to hear the good witness the converts bear to their new place and their new Master. And our prayer and theirs is that God will keep them to the end, and keep them strong, courageous, and firm. A great multitude of church members are also weeping tears of repentance at the throne for their deep indifference and their reluctance to strive to live a life worthy of those professing Christ. Yet here, as everywhere, there are the old and infirm, and also young people who are unwell and unable to follow the camp, and so it was decided to go to them in their homes to hold prayer meetings, and this was done. The first visit was to a house called Gelliod, on a Sunday afternoon, to Mary Parry; this old sister had been greatly yearning to experience those things in which the children of God are now revelling. On the subsequent Sabbath it was decided to cancel the school for the afternoon and split the congregation into three parts. One section went to Tanygraig, to Lizzie Hughes, who has been in poor health for several months despite her youth. I understand that the brothers there received heaven's smiles, and believe that God was pleased with them. Another section went to Panthafodlas to Persis Mary Roberts, again a young girl who has been confined by illness, and was longing to experience the blessings that have been visited on the church in these days. The other third went to Hafodlas, to the home of Jane Jones, where she was joined by two other sisters, Ann Parry and Ann Jones. These three sisters have for some time been prevented by illness and old age from enjoying and feeding on the feasts in the sanctuary, but there was an excellent feast here when they came to commemorate the death of the Redeemer.
Goleuad - 12th May 1905.
Yr ydym wedi cael cyfarfodydd gweddiau a phregethau neillduol o dda er's rhai missoed bellach. Yr oedd pethau wedi newid eu gwedd yma rai wythnosau cyn terfynu o'r flwyddyn o'r blaen ond y ddwy wythnos gyntaf o'r flwyddyn hon oedd yr wythnosau mawr i ni, yn neillduol felly y gyntaf cyfarfodydd a hir gofir. Clywodd yma saith o newydd yr lesu yn eu gwahodd i ddod a golchi eu beiau i gyd yn afon Calfaria, sef dwy chwaer a phump o frodyr. O, mor dda oedd genym eu gweled yn ymdaflu ar drugaredd Duw yn edifeiriol iawn, dan waeddi, 'Pechais,' a'r eglwys yn gweddio ac yn canu mewn dagrau o lawenydd, 'Diolch Iddo.' Dyma amser braf, ie, dyddiau hyfryd. O, am gael pabellu ynddynt; ac yr ydym yn ymdrechu ein goreu i wneyd hyny, trwy barhau i weddio am i Dduw barhau i'n cofio ac anfon ei Ysbryd i'n plith i ddwyn i mewn weddill ei etifeddiaeth. Calondid mawr ydyw clywed tystiolaeth dda y dychweledigion am eu lle a'u Meistr newydd. A'n gweddi ni a hwythau ydyw am i Dduw eu dal hyd y diwedd, a'u dal yn gryf, yn wrol, ac yn gadarn. Hefyd y mae lliaws mawr o aelodau yr eglwys wylo dagrau edifeirwch wrth yr orsedd am eu dwfn ddifaterwch a'u cyndynrwydd i ymdrechu byw bywyd teilwng o broffeswyr Crist. Eto, fel ymhob ardal, y mae yma hen a methedig ieuainc hefyd yn wael, ac yn methu dilyn y gwersyll ac fe benderfynwyd myned at y cyfryw i'w tai i gynal cyrddau gweddi, ac felly y bu. Yn gyntaf oll awd i dy o'r enw Gelliod, ar nawn Sul , at Mary Parry, yr oedd yr hen chwaer hon wedi hiraethol llawer am gael profi y pethau hyny ag y mae plant Duw yn morio ynddynt yn awr. Sabbath dilynol i hyny fe benderfynwyd rhoddi i fyny yr ysgol am y prydnawn a rhanu y gynulleidfa yn dair rhan. Un rhan i Tanygraig at Lizzie Hughes, yr hon sydd wedi ei chystuddio er's misoedd bellach er yn ieuanc. Deallaf i'r brodyr yno dderbyn o wenau y nef, ac yn credu fod Duw yn foddlawn iddynt. A'r rhan arall i Panthafodlas at Persis Mary Roberts, merch ieuanc eto wedi ei chornelu gan waeledd, ac yn hiraethu am gael profi o'r bendithion sydd yn disgyn i ran yr eglwys y dyddiau hyn. Ar rhan arall i'r Hafodlas i dy Jane Jones, i'r lle y daeth dwy chwaer arall, sef Ann Parry ac Ann Jones. Mae y tair chwaer hyn wedi eu lluddias gan waeledd a henaint fel na chawsant fraint er's tro i fwynhau ac ymborthi ar y gwleddoedd yn y cysegr, ond fe gafwyd gwledd ardderchog yma pan awd i gofio angau y Gwaredwr.
Goleuad - 12th May 1905.