Edern Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Church (1905)

At Edyrn, two or three meetings are held every evening. The converts who have joined the Methodist church number over 40.

From, 'The Holyhead Mail and Anglesey Herald' 13th January 1905.


This area, like many other places, has received a very large portion of the visitation of grace. The prayer meetings continue to be well-attended. We are now at the end of the fourteenth week, and the wonderful relish and the divine unction are still to be felt at our various meetings. Every other meeting has been set aside, and [?in favour of] the prayer meeting, which here, as in other places in our country, had been comparatively poorly attended, but things have changed now, it is the prayer meeting which draws together the greatest congregations. The Spirit has been working very powerfully among us. Those who experienced great things in '59, have experienced outstanding things in the current revival. There has been a general outpouring here, from the children to the elders, people have experienced things that the world knew not. More than 40 have joined the church for the first time: some young and middle-aged, and a few who are approaching or have attained 80 years of age, and it is very beautiful to hear some who have returned to us hailing the throne of grace. We feel some particular "freshness" and conviction in their prayers, thanking the Lord for keeping them so long to rebel against him [sic –possibly, "preserving them so long in spite of their rebellion"?], and earnestly begging for forgiveness and strength to serve him on the remainder of the journey. The sisters hold prayer meetings at six o'clock every night, and we understand that the presence of the Spirit is evident in these. In addition, the children have a prayer meeting in another room and it is lovely to hear them, with their simple prayers praising "the Man who was once under the nails" [hymn quotation]. A number of the sisters participate publicly in the general meeting, and Oh, it is so beautiful to hear them praising the Saviour. We certainly believe that they have some special inspiration. On Friday evening something quite unusual happened: a little Gypsy girl, about 12 years old, came into the meeting, and at the end the Rev. John Hughes went to speak to her for a little while. He asked her in English (she could not speak Welsh), "Do you know anything about Jesus Christ", and the little one replied that she knew nothing. We felt that we are in receipt special privileges, when those near us know nothing about Jesus Christ. Mr Hughes spoke two beautiful lines to her, "Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, Look upon a little child," hoping that these two beautiful lines would remain in the little one's mind, and that she would be enlightened and led to the Redeemer. Who knows what the outcome of a small incident like this will be:  was it not from the Gypsy camp that there came one of the most powerful preachers of our age - Gipsy Smith. B.G.F.

Goleuad - 7th April 1905.

Additional Information

Y mae y llanerch hon fel llawer man arall wedi cael rhan helaeth iawn o'r ymweliad grasol. Parha y cyfarfodydd gweddiau yn eu blas o hyd. Yr ydym yn awr ar derfyn y, bedwaredd wythnos ar ddeg, y mae y blas hyfryd a'r eneiniad dwyfol deimlo eto yn ein gwahanol gyfarfodydd. Y mae pob cyfarfod arall wedi eu rhoddi o'r neilldu, a'r cyfarfod gweddi, oedd wedi myned yma fel lleoedd eraill yn ein gwlad, ac ychydig mewn cydmariaeth yn eu mynychu; ond y mae pethau wedi newid erbyn hyn, y cyfarfod gweddi sydd yn tynu y cynull oedd mwyaf at eu gilydd. Y mae yr Ysbryd wedi bod yn gweithio yn ein mysg mewn modd grymus dros ben. Y mae y rhai oedd wedi profi pethau mawr yn '59 yma wedi teimlo pethau neillduol yn y diwygiad presenol. Y mae y tywalltiad wedi bod yn gyffredinol yma, o'r plentyn i'r hynafgwr wedi profi pethau nad adnabu'r byd. Y mae tipyn dros 40ain wedi ymuno a'r eglwys o'r newydd: rhai ieuainc a chanol oed, ac ambell un bron os nad wedi cyraedd 8oain oed; ac hyfryd dros ben ydyw cIywed ambell un sydd wedi dychwelyd atom yn cyfarch gorsedd gras. Yr ydym yn teimlo rhyw "freshness" ac argyhoeddiad neillduol yn eu gweddiau, yn diolch i'r Arglwydd am eu cadw cyhyd i wrthryfela yn ei erbyn, ac yn erfyn yn daer am faddeuant a nerth i'w wasanaethu weddill o'r daith. Cynhelir cyfarfodydd gweddiau gan y chwiorydd am chwech o'r gloch bob nos, a deallwn fod y rhai hyn a phresenoldeb yr Ysbryd yn amlwg ynddynt. Hefyd y mae gan y plant gyfarfod gweddi, mewn ystafell arall a hyfryd dros ben ydyw eu clywed hwythau gyda'u gweddiau syml yn canmol "y Gwr a fu gynt o dan hoelion." Y mae amryw o'r chwiorydd yn cymeryd rhan gyhoeddus yn y cyfarfod cyffredinol; ac O, mor dlws y maent yn canmol y Gwaredwr wrth ei glywed. Credwn yn sicr fod yna ryw ysbrydoliaeth arbenig ynglyn a hwynt. Nos Wener digwyddodd peth lled anghyffredin: daeth genethig fechan o Sipsiwn i fewn i'r cyfarfod tua 12eg oed; ac ar y diwedd aeth y Parch. John Hughes i siarad ychydig a hi. Gofynodd iddi yn, Saesneg (nis gallasai siarad Cymraeg), "Do you know anything about Jesus Christ",  ac atebodd yr ei un fach na wyddai ddim. Yr oeddym yn teimlo ein bod ni yn derbyn breintiau neillduol, a rhai yn ein hymyl heb wybod dim am Iesu Grist. Dywedodd Mr. Hughes ddwy linell brydferth wrthi, sef, "Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, Look upon a little child," gan obeithio y bydd y ddwy linell brydferth yna yn glynu yn meddwl yr un fach, ac y caiff ei goleno a'i harwain at y Gwaredwr. Pwy wyr beth fydd canlyniad rhyw ddigwyddiad bychan fel hyn.

Goleuad - 7th April 1905.


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