There have been 23 new members in the course of a month. There are 11 converts again before the church. From, 'The South Wales Daily News', 25th January 1905.
The revival has reached thus far and is creating joy in the church, convincing many sinners, and turning prodigals back to their father's house. The church has been on her knees for some weeks and has received clear proofs that he who asks receives, he who seeks, finds, and to him who knocks the door will open. On the evening of Friday, January 20th, in the presence of a multitude of people, 5, one of them above 80 years of age, [were baptised] by the Rev. Owen J. Owens, Porth. In answer to an appeal from Mr Owens one person came forward at the time and was baptised. To see someone over 80, and someone coming forward at the time to give obedience in baptism to King Jesus, the Great Head of the church was a blessed sight and a thrilling influence affected the people to the point of making them break our in triumphant praise to God 'eternally for remembering the dust of the earth' [hymn quotation]. 'The service was one which will be long remembered by all who were present, and a service we believe will be sung about on the hills of immortality. On the morning of the Sabbath, the 22nd, the Rev. R. A. James, Tongwynlais, baptised one boy and seven young women - loyal supporters of the Sunday School. The first of the girls (who has a melodious voice) went down into the water singing, - 28 were added to the church at the two last communions, and 12 are still before the church and talk of others coming. Thanks be to God. There is still plenty of room in Salem, and the church is doing its utmost encouraging and urging listeners to repent and obey the 'Man who was once under the nails' [hymn quotation].
17th February 1905, Seren Cymru newspaper.
Mae'r adfywiad wedi cyrhaedd hyd yma, ac yn peri llawenydd i'r eglwys, yn argyhoeddi pechaduriaid lawer, ac yn troi afradloniaid yn ol dy eu tad. Mae yr eglwys wedi bod ar ei gliniau er yn amryw wythnosau, ac wedi derbyn prawfion eglur mai yr hwn sydd yn gofyn sydd yn derbyn, yr hwn sydd yn ceisio sydd yn cael, ac i'r hwn sydd yn curo yr agorir. Nos Wener, lonawr 20fed, yn ngwydd lluaws o bobl bedyddiwyd pump, un o honynt uwchlaw 80 oed, gan y Parch Owen J. Owens, Porth. Mewn atebiad i appeliad Mr Owens daeth un yn mlaen ar y pryd, ac a fedyddiwyd. Yr oedd gweled un uwchlaw 80 oed, ac un yn myned yn mlaen ar y pryd i roddi ufud-ddod yn y bedydd i'r Brenin lesu a Phen Mawr yr eglwys yn olygfa fendigedig ac a effeithiodd ddylanwad gwefreiddiol ar y bobl nes peri iddynt dori allan mewn mawl gorfoleddus i Dduw byth am gofio llwch y llawr.' Fe gafwyd oedfa yr hir gofir am dani gan bawb oedd yn bresenol, ac oedfa y credwn y bydd canu am dani ar fryniau anfarwoldeb. Boreu Sabboth, yr 22ain, gan y Parch R. A. James, Tongwynlais, bedyddiwyd un bachgen a saith o ferched ieuainc—deiliaid ffyddlon yr Ysgol Sul. Fe ddarfu y cyntaf o'r merched (yr hon sydd yn feddianol ar lais melodaidd) ar ei gwaith yn myned i waered i'r dwfr ganu,— Ychwenegwyd at yr eglwys y ddau gymmundeb diweddaf 28, ac y mae 12 etto o flaen yr eglwys a swn ereill yn dod. I Dduw y byddo'r dioich. Mae digon o le etto yn Salem, ac y mae yr eglwys ar ei heithaf yn cymhell ac yn annog y gwrandawyr i edifarhau ac ufuddhau i'r Gwr a lu gynt dan hoelion.'
17th February 1905, Seren Cymru newspaper.