Mr Evan Roberts continued his mission at Merthyr to-day, at Bethesda Chapel in the afternoon and at Tabernacle in the evening. The two meetings were of a most remarkable character, and, possibly, eclipse anything yet seen at revival meetings. The opening portion of the afternoon meeting resembled a “Cymanfa ganu.” The meeting then took a most remarkable turn-almost as painful as the afternoon meeting of the previous day, but more marvellous. The people were singing when the evangelist stopped them, stating that a man was in distress, and was ready to make the “decision,” and upon this it was stated that a man had “given in.” This was the signal as usual for an outburst of “Diolch Iddo,” but they had not sung long before the evangelist stopped the singing, stating that there was another about to “break-through,” and he asked where the person indicated was, and then, almost simultaneously, came the reply than another had stood up in the gallery. Once more the people sang, and once more the evangelist stopped them and stated that there was yet another one who was dying for a Saviour. And immediately came the intimation, “There is one here.” Upon this “Diolch Iddo” resounded through the whole building. And subsequently, the evangelist stopped the singing several times successively, explaining that there were some in the meeting in great straits and about to make the “decision,” and beseeching the people to pray. And each time the scenes increased in intensity, and, what is more marvellous, each time there was a convert recorded as predicted by the missioner. So awesome the meeting became that the evangelist said it was now too terrible to sing. He had never experienced such a thing before. Someone started very plaintively and prayerfully, “For you I am praying,” but Mr Roberts stopped the singing. “It is too terrible to sing here,” was his remark. The evening meeting was held at Tabernacle Chapel, and there were about 2,000 people present. A little boy, nine years of age, prayed very remarkably, and then he remarked that he had been speaking to a man in the gallery, who was his uncle, and who was unable to give in. “Do you believe God answers prayer?” asked the evangelist, and the boy answered in the affirmative. “Do you believe that He will answer you?” he again asked, and again came “Yes” as the reply. “Then do you believe that God will answer you to-night?” But the little boy hesitated to answer the question, whereupon Mr Roberts put it to the congregation, and there came a volume of affirmative answers. Presently the man declared himself a convert.
From, 'The Western Mail', 30th January 1905.
The chapel was replaced by a road.