Our friends in Wales will be pleased to know that the breezes from the summit of Calvary have reached those of us who live at the far end of Durham County, and that the breezes' wonderful influence has left its mark along the way from fair Wales. Hundreds of souls have turned to the ‘Saviour of the world,' during the first months of this year, and they continue to come, despite the kingdom of darkness which does its best in every way to prevent the influences. There has been a powerful revival here in Sunderland for weeks. Indeed, great things have taken place among our friends the English. I am so pleased that God still remembers the children of the beloved areas of Wales, some which had forgotten the God of their forefathers, had forgotten the prayers of their fathers and mothers, and allowed themselves to be swept along with the flow of temptations. The Welsh-speaking church has awakened to its work. Regular prayer meetings have been held since the beginning of the year, and some are held in houses as well. Seventeen people have given themselves to Christ and his church since the beginning of the year. Oh! our young people have been clothed with manifest power, “the powers of the eternal Spirit,” to stand up for Christ, some who once were so bashful and fearful; doing everything they can, and praying in public at every opportunity.
Goleuad - 28th April 1905.
Bydd yn dda gan ein cyfeillion yn Nghymru ddeall fod yr awelon o ben Calfaria wedi cyraedd atom ninau sydd yn byw ymhen draw Durham Co., a bod dylanwad rhyfeddol yr awelon wedi gadael eu hol ar hyd y ffordd o Gymru dlos, Mae canoedd o eneidiau wedi eu dychwelyd at Waredwr y byd,' yn ystod misoedd cyntaf y flwyddyn hon, a pharhant i ddod, er gwaethaf teyrnas y tywyllwch sydd yn gwneud ei goreu ymhob modd er atal y dylanwadau. Mae diwygiad grymus yma yn Sunderland er's wythnosau. Yn wir mae pethau mawr wedi cymeryd lle ymysg ein cyfeillion y Saeson. A da iawn genyf fod Duw yn cofio o hyd am blant ardaloedd anwyl Cymru,, rhai o honynt oedd wedi anghofio Duw eu tadau, wedi anghofio gweddiau tad a mam, ac ymollwng gyda llifeiriant temtasiynau. Mae yr eglwys Gymraeg wedi ei deffro at ei gwaith. Cynhelir cyfarfodydd gweddiau cyson er dechreu y flwyddyn, a chelf aml un yn y tai hefyd. Mae 17 o bersonau wedi rhoddi eu hunain i Grist a'i eglwys er dechreu y flwyddyn. O! mae ein pobl ieuainc wedi eu gwisgo a nerth amlwg, "nerthoedd y tragwyddol Ysbryd," i sefyll i fyny dros Grist, rhai fu unwaith mor wylaidd ac ofnus; yn gwneud pob peth allent, ,ac yn gweddio yn gyhoeddus bob cyfle gant.
Goleuad - 28th April 1905.