The Revival is here in its power, we have had very excellent meetings. Prayer meetings every night for weeks now. A week ago we held our annual meetings. We had the Rev.D.Morgan, Argoed, and the Rev.LeviJohn, [our] minister, to minister to us. There were powerful sermons. We had the unmixed pleasure of seeing 28 staying for the fellowship.
20th January 1905, Seren Cymru.
Mae y Diwygiad yma yn ei rym, yr ydym wedi cael cyfarfodydd rhagorol iawn. Cyrddau gweddi bob nos er's wythnosau bellach. Wythnos yn ol cynhaliwyd ein cyfarfodydd blynyddol. Cawsom i'n gwasanaethu y Parch D. Morgan, Argoed, a'r Parch Levi John, gweinidog. Cafwyd pregethau grymus. Cawsom y pleser digymmysg o weled 28 yn aros yn y gyfeillach.
20th January 1905, Seren Cymru.