Abertysswg is a comparatively new place, and so Ainon is a young church, only a year and a half old. When the few faithful here were incorporated as a church, they were only about twelve in number, but now they number about one hundred and thirty members. So, it can be seen that the Lord has blessed the efforts of the few with great success. We have been holding prayer meetings here every night for weeks. It is felt that the spirit of the Revival, the living thing itself, is working powerfully on the hearts of the brothers and the sisters, and it is clear that God is answering their prayers on behalf of local listeners and backsliders since forty-nine have already been added to the church during these meetings. Considerable missionary work is also being carried out here, through going out into the streets, &c. [Luke 14:23]The church's great need now is to have a new house of worship, since all that has been built here is a schoolroom, and that is now far too small to accommodate the congregation on a Sunday evening. The above cost £510, and as proof of the church's industry I can state that £230 has already been paid off.
27th January 1905, Seren Cymru newspaper.
Lle cydmarol newydd ydyw Aberiysswg, ac felly eglwys ieuanc ydyw Ainon, dim ond blwydd a hanner oed Pan gorffolwyd yr ychydig ffyddloniaid oedd yma yn eglwys, nid oeddynt ond rhyw ddeuddeg mewn nifer, ond erbyn hyn rhifa'r aelodau tua chwech again a deg. Felly, fe welir fod yr Arglwydd wedi bendithio ymdrechion yr ychydig a llwyddiant mawr. Cynnelir cyfarfodydd gweddio yma bob nos er's wythnosau. Teimlir fod yspryd y Diwygiad, y peth byw ei hunan, yn gweithio yn rymus ar galonau y brodyr a'r chwiorydd, ac amlwg yw fod Dnw yn ateb eu gweddiau ar ran gwrandawyr a gwrthgilwyr y lie, oblegid y mae eisoes naw a deugain wedi eu hychwanegu at yr eglwys yn ystod y cyfarfodydd hyn. Gwneir hefyd waith cenadol sylweddol yn y lie, trwy fyned allan i'r heolydd, &c. Angen mawr yr eglwys yn awr ydyw cael addoldy newydd, oblegid nid oes yma ond schoolroom wedi ei hadeiladu, ac y mae hono erbyn hyn yn rhy fach o lawer i gynnwys y gynnulleidfa ar nos Sul. Costiodd yr uchod £ 510, ag fel prawf o weithgarwch yr eglwys gallaf ddweyd fod £230 yn barod wedi eu talu ymaith.
27th January 1905, Seren Cymru.