Bryn Seion Baptist Chapel - Eglwysbach (1905)

With joy we would like to inform readers of the SEREN that the Divine influences have been felt very powerfully in the two above-mentioned places. The tide started to flow in two months ago, and thankfully continues to flow, so that many an old vessel that had been lying hopelessly on the dry sand of the beach of backsliding is now starting to float towards the pleasant port. At Eglwysbach, people of all ages have attended services, the number of the candidates for baptism is 14, and the backsliders 6; a total of 20. Last Sunday at Fforddlas was an unforgettable one for us. We have never seen such a huge crowd as assembled there to see the ordinance of baptism being administered to 23 supporters. We saw here people gathered together from the whole country around the [river] Conwy, for instance from Penmaenmawr and Conwy, and Llandudno, and the Junction, and Colwyn, and Colwyn Bay, and Llanelian, and Y Codau, and Eglwysbach, and Rowen, &c.  People were breaking out into rejoicing and many did not know whether they were in heaven or on earth. The total at Fforddlas is 30, and there are others before the church. The total of the combined additions at Eglwysbach and Fforddlas is 50. Thanks be to God.

3rd March 1905, Seren Cymru

Additional Information

Gyda llawenydd y dymunem hysbysu darllenwyr y SEREN fod y dylanwadau Dwyfol wedi eu teimlo yn rymus iawn yn y ddau ie uchod. Y mae y llanw wedi dechreu llifo i fewn er ys dau fis, a diolch para i lifo y mae o hyd, fel y mae llawer hen lestr fu'n gorwedd ar dywod sychion traeth gwrthgiliad yn anobeithiol erbyn hyn yn dechreu nofio am y porthladd dymunol. Yn Eglwysbach y mae pobl o bob oed wedi troi i fewn i'r eglwys, niter yr ymgeiswyr am fedydd yw 14, a'r gwrthgilwyr 6; cyfanswm, 20. Sul bythgofiadwy i ni oedd y Sul diweddaf yn Fforddlas. Ymgynnullodd torf anferth na welwyd erioed ei maint i'r lie i weled yr ordinhad o fedydd yn cael ei gweinyddu ar 23 o ddeiliaid. Gwelsom yma bobl wedi cyrchu yn nghyd o'r holl wlad o amgylch y Gonwy, megis o Penmaen- mawr, a Chonwy, a Llanduduo, a'r Junction, a Colwyn, a Colwyn Bay, a Llanelian, a'r Codau, ac Eglwysbach, a Roewen, &c. Yr oedd wedi tori allan yn orfoledd, a llawer yn methu gwybod pa un ai yn y nefoedd ynte ar y ddaear yr oeddynt. Niter yr oll yn Fforddlas yw 30, ac y mae ereill o flaen yr eglwys. Felly y mae yr ychwanegiadau cydrhwng Eglwysbach a Fiorddias yn 50. Dioich i Dduw.

3rd March 1905, Seren Cymru

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