Mr Evan Roberts was present at Bethel Methodist Chapel, Newcastle-Emlyn, during an evening service. Rev. Evan Phillips commenced meeting with an address and prayer. Immediately afterwards a young man started praying for the young men in the gallery, and asking that they should be saved. The evangelist then got up the “set fawr,” and exclaimed, “There is a lot of hypocrites among the congregation.” Then a young man got up, and said in English, “ I am saved; I feel wonderful peace; I have many things to say, but I can’t say them to-night. Another young man started a hymn in the gallery, in which the whole congregation joined. “O yr Oen, yr addfwyn Oen” (“The Lamb, the gentle Lamb”)“Duw mawr y rhyfeddodau maith (“Great God of wonders”) were then sung. One of the lady evangelists offered up prayer, after which one of the others started singing “O, fy enaid, tro dy olwg. Mr. Evan Roberts said that the Spirit was restless at the meeting, and the prayers offered had been answered. There were scores left to ask for forgiveness. He asked the audience to repeat “Duw mawr y rhyfeddodau maith (“Great God of wonders”), exhorted them to think what they were singing about. He then asked, “How many here to-night want to be saved and the whole congregation stood up with the exception of one man, whereupon the evangelist asked, “Will you come to Jesus?” The lady sitting next to the man answered “Yes,” and the whole congregation sang Diolch Iddo( “Thanks be to Him”). A young man, who was a native of Glasgow, addressed the meeting and said: - “I have preached the Gospel many years, but have not until tonight elt the influence of the Spirit.” The meeting lasted until a little after 10 p.m.
From, 'The Western Mail', 13th March 1905.