Rhydybont Welsh Independent Chapel (1905)

The Rev. E. Evans, Soar, Llanbedr, suggested in a letter to the church, that it would be a very good thing to hold special revival meetings, and that that he and some friends from Llanbedr would also be willing to pay a visit to the church, and also that the Rev. T. Eli Evans, Llanfair, and friends from there were willing to come too. The church feels very grateful to the brethren for their sympathy. We have felt the excitement in the camp in our prayer meetings recently. Especially in the meetings in the first week of this year, the assemblies have been very large - all the brothers and sisters of one heart and spirit, feeling they had something to do to raise the banner of the Cross. We had some droplets falling in those services in the sound of the prayers and experiences of the saints, but last Friday evening, the waters were deep enough to swim in. The Rev. T. Eli Evans, Llanfair, and his friends - sisters and brothers – had promised to pay us a visit at six in the evening. The service did not commence at six, since our friends from Llanfair did not arrive in time, but the meeting was started by a brother from the church who gave out a hymn to be sung, "The Blood of the Cross lifts up". Before we had finished singing it, we felt the breeze blowing from Calvary. Part of the prophecy of Isaiah was read and before the reading was over, the Rev. W. T. Francis, Aberduar, and Rev. Eli Evans, Llanfair, and his friends came in. Then we sang "Here is love like the oceans." Then a prayer was offered for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the Rev. Eli Evans took charge. We sang "O send Thou the Holy Spirit." Within a few seconds, Mr Evans had to give over the leadership to the Spirit itself. The congregation celebrated in prayer, song, and praise, testimony, reciting verses, until half-past ten. We have never felt anything like it - the congregation was as if transformed. The prayers were full of the divine fire, giving thanks for the sending of the Holy Spirit, and longing for more of the joy of salvation. The sisters and brothers from Llanfair prayed intensely on behalf of the church here.  In the present crisis, if disappointed in men, there was no danger that she would be disappointed in her God – Who is the same yesterday, today and forever. They also greatly desired that some should be overcome in the service to confess the blessed Jesus as the Saviour of their souls. Mr Francis, Aberduar, was by now on his feet, saying that Jesus Himself was in the chapel; that we had waited long for signs, and at last they had come. By this time, the divine fire was burning clearly – It was "To Jesus be thanks," "On His head be the crown," "Blessed," "Hallelujah," and "Amen". Suddenly a brother got up in the elders' seat, saying that heaven was no better than this, and that if the congregation should cease to praise God for his infinite love and all his gifts, the stones would speak – that is the walls of the old chapel, but there was no need for one stone to speak, for the hearts of all those present were ready enough to give the glory, the praise, and the thanks to the Lamb that was slain.. Then another brother was on his feet, giving thanks that he had felt the '59 revival at Borth, Aberystwyth, and thanking God that he had lived to see the present revival, and to feel its power and influence. Someone else expressed a longing for the present powers to carry their influence into the future in more complete and sustained service to God. Two were in prayer at the same time, drawing heaven closer. A brother in the gallery was in fervent prayer on behalf of those who were going, as it were in the sweat of their faces, towards judgement and perdition. Another young brother also in the gallery had a rare opportunity to give out a hymn to be sung, "Come down, Lord, and rend the heavens." A sister who had come forward to the elders' seat in prayer on behalf of a brother who is a soldier, broke down, while the crowd sang, "For you I am praying." Some listeners went out – it was too hot. The congregation were all on their feet making indicating publically that each one was promising God to read part of the Word every day. Mr Evans, Llanfair, asked all who had publicly professed or were now professing the Saviour to stand up, and everyone who did not so recognise him to sit – and for everyone to consider that it was not to him that they were making the sign, but to God. Then Mr Evans and Mr Francis went around the chapel conversing with those who were seated, and to the sound of "On His head be the crown" a brother from Aberduar shouted at the gallery, "Sing, people! There are 'boys' back here who are almost saved." They sang "Eternal thanks be to him for remembering the dust of the earth." Then the net of life was pulled in, within which there were eight - sufficient reason for joy in the heavens and on the earth.

Y Celt - 27th January 1905

Additional Information

. Awgrymodd y Parch. E. Evans, Soar, Llanbedr, trwy lythyr i'r eglwys, mai dymunol ilawn fyddai hi gynal cyfarfodydd diwygiadol neillduol, 'ac y byddai; ef a chyfeillion o Lanbedr yn roddlon talu ymweliad a'r eglwys, ac hefyd fod y Parch. T. Eli Evans, Llanfair, a chyfeillion oddi yno yn foddlon, dod hefyd. Teimla yr eglwys yn ddiolch gar iawn i'r brodyr am eu cydymdeimlad. Yr ydym wedi teimlo y cyffro yn y gwersyll yn ein cyfarfodydd gweddi yn ddiweddar. Yn arbenig yn nghyfarfodydd yr wythnos gyntaf o'r flwyddyn hon, y mae y cynulliadau wedi bod yn lluosog iawn—pob brawd a chwaer o un calon ac ysbryd, yn teimlo fod ganddynt rywbeth i wneud i ddyrchafu baner y Groes. Yr oedd y Parch. T. Eli Evans, Llanfair, a'I gyfeilion—yn chwiorydd a brodyr - wedi ,addaw talu ymweliad a ni y noson yma am chwech yn yr hwyr. gan frawd o'r eglwys trwy roddi emyn allan. i'w ganu, sef, "Gwaed y Groes sy'n codi fynu." Cyn gorphen ei ganu, teimlwyd yr awel yn chwythu o Galfaria. Darllenwyd rhan o brophwydoliaeth Esaiah a chyn gorphen darllen, daeth y Parch. W. T. Francis, Aberduar, a'r Parch. Eil Evans, Llanfair, a'i gyfeillion ,i fewn. Yna canwyd "Dyma gariad fel y moroedd." Yna offrymwyd gweddi am dywalltiad o'r Ysbryd sanctaidd, a chymerwyd yr arweinyddiaeth i fyny gan y Parch. Eli Evans. Canwyd "O anfon Di yr Ysbryd Glan." Cyn pen ychydig eiliadau, gorfu i Mr. Evans roddi yr arweinyddiaeth i fyny i'r ysbryd ei hun. Dyma'r dyrfa yn cadw gwyl mewn gweddi, can, a mawl, dweyd. profiad, adrodd adnodau, hyd haner awr wedi deg. Ni theimlasom yn debyg erioed - y gynulleidfa megis wedi ei gweddnewid. Y gweddiau yn llawn o'r tan dwyfol, yn diolch am anfoniad o'r Ysbryd Glan, ac yn dyheu am ragor o orfoledd yr iachawdwriaeth. Gweddiau y chwiorydd a'r brodyr o Lanfair yn ddwys ar ran yr eglwys yn y lie. Mr. Evans, Llanfair, yn gofyn i bob un oedd wedi ac yn arddel yn gyhoeddus y Gwaredwr i sefyll ar eu traed, a phob un oedd heb ei gydnabod felly i eistedd - am i bob un i ystyried mai nid iddo ef yr oeddynt yn gwneud yr arwydd, ond "i Dduw. Yna aeth Mr. Evans a Mr. Francis o gwmpas y capel i ymddiddan a'r rihai oedd ar eu heistedd, ac yn y swn "Ar Ei ben bo'r goron,"  Yna tynwyd rhaff bywyd i fewn pryd y cafwyd wyth—digon o destyn llawenydd i'r nefoedd a'r ddaear.

Y Celt - 27th January 1905.

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