Ainon Welsh Baptist Chapel, Treorchy - Evan Roberts (1904)

The appearance of Mr Evan Roberts at Treorky to-day was hailed with joy by thousands, and the meeting addressed by him were attended by immense crowds. almost, if not quite, as great as those at Porth on the previous day. It should, however, be noted at the outset that the revival appears to have reached “high tide” in the upper part of the Rhondda, prayer meetings having been held nightly for weeks before the wonderful story of the Loughor “fire” was published in the “Western Mail.” The streets to-day were slippery, and in parts dangerous, from the effects of the ice and snow, and the dripping clouds of mist which enveloped the Rhondda hillsides made the roads muddy in places, and in others they were much too smooth. Yet people trudged to Ainon Chapel, at the upper end of Treorky, and filled it literally to overflowing before I reached there in the afternoon For a time I had to content myself with listening from the vestry to the sounds of voices coming through the four doorways behind the rostrum. After a while I managed to work my way in, for I am gaining experience in this difficult task. The meeting was, in a measure, similar to others which I have recently attended. It was decidedly warm, sympathetic, and quite typical of Treorky’s active congregations. The hymns were started quite spontaneously, very often by young people— and were sung; with fervour and in excellent time. The prayers were earnest, and in many instances marked by simple, but burning eloquence, some of the women being particuIarIy pathetic in their appeals for “wandering boys,” and the public confessions by members of churches were extraordinary in character and in number. I think I can safely say that practically all the adult members of the various denominations present and very many children, gave brief testimonies or quotations of Scripture. But, listen! Mr Evan Roberts, in one of his incidental addresses, says, “A oes heddwch?” (“Is there peace?”) “The question,” he said, “is often asked in the eisteddfod. It is quite time that it shouId be asked in many Churches.” He mentioned the topic which I quoted yesterday—as to family feuds and personal animosities. Then, he asked, had they ever seen a religious revival in a Church which was torn by dissensions—in which members and deacons, or members among themselves, were quarrelling and bickering? Had they seen religious fervour and success in a Church in which the members were cold towards each other? No, never; and the question, “A oes heddwch?” ought to be put wherever there was anxiety to be active for Christ if success did not attend the efforts Iddo forth. From, 'The Western Mail', 29th November 1904.

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