At Newport for several weeks practically every other phase of life was sacrificed to that of revivalism, the spiritual influence taking a deep root hold of the people, who flocked to the chapels during the afternoons and evenings in overwhelming numbers. Business houses were closed at an unusually early hour each day, while the public houses might as well have been closed for the amount of trade transacted. Consequently, the membership of the several chapels has considerably increased, forties and fifties being added in some instances. Recently at the Baptist Chapel, of which Rev. D.J. Evans holds the pastorate, a goodly number were baptised, several of whom having reached more than the allotted span of years. The meetings were characterised by spontaneity, the outcome of glowing fervour and fired zeal for Christ, and which have marked the revival in other parts of the Principality. Young and old, and many who had not been associated with religion for twenty or more years, came forward and openly confessed adherence to the Saviour. Nothing to equal its intensity has ever been experienced and the results are marked and gratifying in every sense.
From, 'The Cardiff Times and South Wales Weekly News' and thanks to David Pike and his website,