Metropolitan Tabernacle, London (1905)


Six Welsh students were studying at Spurgeon's College, but they went home at Christmas and all were set on fire there and were asked to testify on their return.

"I did and the fire burned and the Principal thereupon said he would go and see the Reverend Thomas Spurgeon of the Tabernacle to ask him if he would like to have the Welsh students to conduct Revival meetings in the Tabernacle and placed the matter before his Deacons and Elders.

On the first night, the basement Hall which held 1,000, was too crowded and the great Tabernacle had to be opened. Crowds came every night and conversions took place every night for three weeks and midnight meetings were held, being heralded by the Reverends Thomas and Charles Spurgeon, Dr McCaig, professors Hackney and Gensen, and all the students marching around the Elephant Castle district to call in the lost and fallen.

Four of the Welsh students formed the Welsh Quartette and sang and preached, while the other two preached only. The results were; over 800 conversions – a greater number, it was said, than during any other Evangelical mission ever held at the Tabernacle at any time by any of the great Evangelists of the day and the preceding ones.

"Letter from Caradoc Jones to Brynmor P Jones, author of "Voices from the Welsh Revival 1904-1905"

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