Bethel Wesleyan Methodist Chapel - Pontrhydygroes (1905)

We of the North Ceredigion hills have experienced abundantly the influences of the Spirit. Having heard talk of the revival in the South, our hearts were filled with a strong desire to have a share in the same things, and the submission of God's people before Him in prayer and supplication has not been fruitless or vain. There are undeniable proofs that the churches have awoken. Most people cannot remember such a desire for religious meetings of all sorts, so many people flocking to them, and so many converts. Religion in the area has put on the robes of its glory compared to what it was. The old and middle-aged have been fired up; the youth have been filled with Divine enthusiasm, and life has taken on a new aspect and purpose for a multitude of people. It is as yet too early to say what the lasting effect of this Revival will be in the area, but we have no doubt whatsoever that the revival is a truly wholesome one while the souls which have experienced it remain. The enthusiasm of the meetings, the number of converts and the life of all, show that a genuine spiritual awakening has taken place. The taverns are emptier than they have ever been, and oaths, swearing and foolish derisive laughter have almost entirely disappeared, and old hateful and narrow feelings - such as malice and envy - have hidden their heads. We do not say that they will not raise their heads again, but it will be much more difficult for them to live and breed in the new atmosphere than it was before. Sectarianism, too, has disappeared (forever and ever, we hope), and the majority have come to believe that denominational zeal is nothing, but only 'man in Christ.' People have come to see that it is not formality and ritual that are important. Six weeks ago the local Wesleyans and Methodists united to hold prayer meetings in the two chapels in turn, and everyone admits that the union has been an exceptionally happy and beneficial one - so much so that there is no sign whatsoever that anyone wishes the union to break up. Converts at the two churches number about 50, and there are only a very few people in the area now who do not profess a religious faith. There are 15 converts in Pontrhydygroes (Wesleyan) and almost all of the [?] probationary members have become full members. There are six converts at Mynydd Bach and 16 people have become full members. At Cnwch Coch there are 6 converts and several people have become full members. In addition, the number of people prepared to pray in public has greatly increased. At Mynydd Bach there are 37, when there were previously only 8 or 9. There are 35 converts at Ysbyty (Calvinistic Methodist) and a large number of these have become full members and public intercessors. Our meetings are characterised by very intense religious feeling, and the worship is always extremely warm. Our respected and talented young minister has been tireless in his labour in the revival, and before that his impassioned speeches and sermons have been instrumental in fanning many a spark into flame. Under His anointing and the influence of the Spirit, we look to the future strongly confident of great success.

'Y Gwyliedydd' (Rhyl)

Additional Information

Ninnau, drigolion mynyddau GogIedd Ceredigion, a brofasom yn helaeth, o ddylanwadau yr Yspryd. Wedi clywed son am yr adfywiad yn y Deheudir, llanwyd ein calonau ag awydd cryf am gael cyfran o'r un pethau, ac ni fu ymostyngiad Ei bobl ger bron Duw mewn gweddi ac ymbil yn ofer a di-ffrwyth. Cier prawfion anwadadwy fod yr eglwysi wedi eu deffro. Ni fy o fewn cof y mwyafrif gymaint o flas ar gyfarfodydd crefyddol o bob natur, cymaint o dyru iddynt, a chymaint o ddychweledigion ynddynt. Y mae crefydd yn yr ardal wedi gwisgo gwisgoedd ei ogoniant o'i chydmaru a'r hyn ydoedd. Gwresogwyd yr hen a'r canol oed, llanwyd yr ieuenctyd a brwdfrydedd Dwyfol, ac y mae bywyd  i luaws mawr wedi cymeryd gwedd ac amcan newydd. Y mae, yn rhy fuan eto i ddweud beth fydd dylanwad parhaol yr Adfywiad hwn ar yr ardal, ond nid oes gennym amheuaeth o gwbl nad yw'r adfywiad yn un gwir iachusol tra yr erys yr eneidiau a'u profasant. Profa brwdfrydedd y cyfarfodydd, nifer y dychweledigion, a bywyd pawb fod deffroad ysprydol gwirioneddol wedi cymeryd lle. Y mae'r tafarndai yn wacach nag y buont erioed, tyngu ,a rhegi a chrechwen ffol wedi diflanu Iyn llwyr bron, a hen deimladau atgas a chul—megis malais, cenfigen, wedi ouddio eu penau. Ni ddywedwn na chodant eu penau eto, ond bydd yn llawer anhaws iddynt fyw ac eppilio yn yr awyrgylch newydd nag ydoedd iddynt o'r blaen. Cuddiwyd enwadaeth hefyd (am byth bythoedd, ni obeithiwn), ac y mae'r mwyafrif wedi dod i gredu fell nad yw enwadaeth ddim yn y byd, ond 'dyn yn Nghrist.' Y mae pobl wedi dod i weled mai nid ffurfioldeb a defodaeth sydd bwysig. Unodd Wesleyaid a Methodistiaid y lle chwech wythnos yn ol i gynhal cyfarfodydd gweddio yn y ddau gapel bob yn ail, ac addefa pawb i'r undeb fod yn un eithriadol o hapus a bendithiol - yn gymaint felly fel nad oes awydd o gwbl fod awydd ar neb i dori'r undeb i fyny. Rhifa dychweledigion y ddwy eglwys tua hanner cant, ac nid yw nifer y rhai dibroffes yn yr ardal, yn awr ond ychydig iawn. Yn Mhontrhydygroes (W) y mae nifer y dychweledigion yn, 15, a bron yn oll o'r aelodau ar brawf wedi dod yn gyflawn aelodau. Yn, Mynydd Bach y mae chwech o ddychweledigion. a 16 wedi dod yn gyflawn, aelodau. Yn Cnwch Coch y me chwech o, ddychweledigion, ac amryw wedi dod yn gyflawn aelodau. Yn ychwanegol at hyn, y mae nifer y gweddiwyr cyhoeddus wedi cynyddu yn fawr. Yn Mynydd Bach y mae 37 pan nad oedd ond 8 neu 9 o'r blaen. Yn Ysbytty (M.C.) rhifa y dychweledigion 35, ac y mae lluaws mawr o rai wedi dod yn, gyflawn aelodau a gweddiwyr cyhoeddus. Nodweddir ein cyfarfodydd gan deimlad crefyddol, dwys iawn, ac y mae'r addoliad yn hynod o wresog bob amser. Y mae ein gweinidog ieuanc parchus ac athrylithgar wedi bod yn ddiflino yn ei liafur yn yr adfywiad, a chyn hynny a'i areithiau a'i bregethau brwd wedi bod yn foddion i chwythu llawer gwreichionen yn fflam. O dan Ei eneiniad Ef a dylanwad yr Yspryd, edrychwn at y dyfodol gyda hyder cryf am fawr Iwyddiant. 

'Y Gwyliedydd' (Rhyl)


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