In Bethlehem, in the afternoon a scene occurred just like the morning one, yet somehow it was felt that the fire had developed into a bonfire. A wonderful feeling took hold of the congregation when a young man sang the splendid words of Berw Bermoto the American tune, 'Redemption'. That was certainly most effectual in that meeting. There was a sense of indescribable tenderness in his voice and it was felt that he was being controlled by the Spirit despite himself. He expressed the language of his soul in every sentence and the melody came from a heart that had experienced what was being sung. It descended into the hearts of hundreds who were listening until they were on fire by the time he came to the last verse which begins:—
O! Thanks be to Him,
O! Thanks be to Him.
The congregation joined in with him, and truly what blessed singing that was! What they felt in their souls rose up through the melody and they offered their spiritual praises lavishly and sincerely to Him who inhabits the praises of Zion.
From, 'The Rhos Herald', 31st December 1904. It was calculated that 162 were added to this church during this revival from November to the end of January 1905.
This church was the centre of the Welsh Revival in North Wales.