Seion Calvinistic Methodist Chapel - Aberdulais (1905)

The morning and afternoon meetings were held at the Fforest Methodist Chapel and the evening meeting at the Baptist Chapel. There was absolutely no cessation of the services from ten o’clock in the morning till five o’clock in the evening, and it was only the necessity of going from one chapel to the other that prevented a repetition of the peculiar experiences of Thursday of there being really only one meeting from morning till night. There was again a number of English and Scotch people, and this accounted for so much English in the service, particularly the latter portion of the morning service. M. Le Pasteur Cadot related the story of his conversion. And how he was thought to be mad. “ I was religious,” he remarked, “but I was not a Christian.” “ I was put upside down,” he added. “I was beaten by the New Testament,” and then he offered up a fervent prayer. “ Bless this assembly,” he prayed. “Thou hast been merciful to a wretched Roman Catholic, as I was,” and he concluded with beseeching for a visitation to France-his “dear benighted country”- and the people sang “O happy day.” Just before his departure M. Cadot was speaking and a grey-haired old Frenchman got up and responded in French. Having shaken hands with the missioner, both men went on their knees hand in hand, and there they prayed quietly, but fervently, for a revival in France. After a solo by Miss Annie Davies, there was witnessed another remarkable scene. No one spoke; no one commanded the ears of the audience, but like a pleasant murmur the whole congregation seemed to be “with one accord” devoutly wrapped in adoration. So impressive had the meeting become that people was now in tears in all parts of the chapel. Some commotion having been caused in a part of the chapel through the fainting of someone, Mr Roberts urged upon the people not to be apprehensive of any trouble. They were in their Father’s house and no harm would befall them. In some places some misgivings had been expressed as to the safety of the gallery, but why should they be anxious? Why, if all the pillars of the gallery were taken off, God could hold it in His hand. Why He had hung the world on nothing. The evangelist had for some time retired from the gaze of the public and was evidently holding communion with God. Presently he re-appeared with rather a sad expression on his face and tears in his eyes. He then admonished the people that there was not sufficient prayer in the meeting, and then was witnessed another of those impressive scenes-a whole congregation practically engaged in prayer.

From, 'The Western Mail', 15th January 1905.

Additional Information

I think this is the chapel mentioned. I have found another one mentioned with a similar name, but I have not been able to trace where it is/was.

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