Capel Mawr, Rhos (1904)

When they removed to Capel Mawr to hold the last meeting of the Rev R B Jones' mission, the expectation of an outpouring of the Spirit had never been higher during the series of meetings.

It was amazing how quiet and tranquil Rhos was from 7 to 10 on Friday night, The streets with no one traversing them, the shops closed and the dwelling houses in darkness. One would’ve had the explanation of this by turning into Capel Mawr to see the gathering there. Never before had that spacious building been so full. So great for the thronging there that it became necessary to open the spacious Schoolroom to hold an overflow meeting. But despite that, hundreds had to turn away disappointed.  Inside the building there was one of the most uplifting sites I could conceive. There you could see hundreds of faces with anxiety and expectation engraved on each. The meeting began with the remarkably intense and effective prayer from the Rev O J Owen Ponceau, who read portions of the third chapter of John's gospel . Following him came the Rev R B Jones who after offering a short prayer announced his text, amidst awesome silence, out of the first chapter of the first Epistle of Timothy, the 15th verse.

A short sermon without showing much profundity of thought neither was there any attempt at dramatic oratory. It was characterised by simplicity, by the unmixed purity of evangelical doctrine, and by an intimacy which touched everyone and insured that not one of the great congregation was unable to understand every sentence. How ordinary he was, but what a lesson to preachers! He did not play at all with the emotions, but rather made his way to the reason and conscience of his listeners. What wonder that the effect was so great… The vast crowd was swept by a dynamic current or 'shock' which was felt by all. one felt that the Holy Spirit was working mighty through it and we had proof of this in the number of converts.

After finishing in the Chapel, he moved to the school room and there again delivered an address to the congregation there, based on the same words. Following this the meeting was left open for the congregation and what an at night and service it was! One prayed here and at his last word, another sang over there, the congregation joining in with complete abandon and doubling and trebling it; and following this, a number vied to give testimonies; and all was evidently permeated by the Spirit. 'Amens' and 'Thanks to Him'' broke out in showers through the congregation and it was obvious that the majority were in some indescribable exultation and joy.

"Diwygiad yn Rhos"

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