Ebenezer Calvinistic Methodist Chapel - Newborough (1905)

I have now spent over 13 years here, and many times I have been ready to flee from here, but now the wonderful things we have seen and felt mean that this small room which is part of the M.C. buildings here is a place we shall never forget; our memories of the small room will be blessed as long as we live. A number of young men from the M.C. had started holding a prayer meeting at 9 o'clock on a Sunday morning, at the beginning December, to pray and to wait on the Spirit and although there were only a few of us at the beginning, we had some meetings very full of blessings, and many young brothers came to take part publicly for the first time. These meetings continued to increase in number and strength until the beginning of the year, when a prayer meeting for young people was called for 9 pm on Tuesday, January 3rd. Some 20 to 25 of the faithful came together, and we had a memorable meeting. The meeting started simply enough, and all knelt down, and after we had been kneeling for a while, began to sing, still kneeling, "Do not leave me, gentle Jesus," singing beautifully, when the Spirit was poured out on us in a mighty way. No-one could rise from their knees for about an hour and a half; it is impossible to describe the scene. The majority of brothers were overcome  - such weeping, sighing, pleasant laughter and joyous prayer! Some brothers were raised up high as intercessors that night – the voice, the feeling, the ecstasy – everything had changed. This was our Bethel! And it is mentioned every evening in the prayers of the brothers who were present. The following night there was a meeting in the same place at 9 pm, and the presence of the Spirit was equally compelling.  One of the young brothers who had missed the previous evening feared he would not obtain the blessing, and he was very contrite this evening, but he was not disappointed, and it was unquestionably his evening.  Wednesday evening, January 4. A striking scene at this meeting was two young brothers rising to their feet to give themselves anew to Jesus. After this, the meetings continued to increase in number, strength, and influence, and we had some blessed evenings, and we will long remember the meetings on Saturday, January 7th, and the following Sunday, when some of the young sisters broke out in public rejoicing for the first time. The following week we had sermons by the Revs. J. T. Job and William Thomas (Llanrwst), who were under great conviction, and the prayer meetings continued from 9 pm until 11 and 11.30 every night, and some nights were full of awe, especially Thursday, January 12. The sisters hold prayer meetings daily. There are 33 new members, and there is great expectation of more.

Goleuad - 13th January 1905.

Additional Information

Yr ydwyf erbyn hyn wedi treulio dros 13eg o flynyddoedd yn y lle uchod; ac ar lawer adeg buaswn yn barod i hedeg oddiyma ond yn awr mae y pethau rhyfedd ydym wedi ei weled a'i deimlo yma yn pen nad anghofiwn byth yr ystafell fechan sydd yn rhan o adeiladau y M.C. yn y lle; a bydd ein atgofion am yr ystafell fach yn fendigedig tra byddwn byw. Yr oedd nifer o wyr ieuainc y M.C. wedi dechreu cynal cyfarfod gweddi am 9 o'r gloch boreu Sul ddechreu Rhagfyr, i weddio ac i ddisgwyl am yr Ysbryd; ac er nad oedd ond ychydig o honom ar y dechreu, cawsom rai cyfarfodydd hynod fendithiol, a daeth amryw frodyr ieuainc i gymeryd rhan yn gyhoeddus am y tro cyntaf. Parhaodd y cyfarfodydd hyn i gynyddu mewn rhif a nerth hyd ddechreu y flwyddyn, pan y galwyd cyfarfod gweddi y bobl ieuainc am 9 o'r gloch nos Fawrth, Ion. 3ydd. Cyfarfu ryw 20 i 25ain o'r ffyddloniaid, a chawsom gyfarfod bythgofiadwy. Dechreuodd y cyfarfod yn ddigon syml, ac aeth pawb ar eu gliniau, ac wedi bod felly am ychydig, aethpwyd i ganu "Paid a'm gadael, dirion Iesu," fel yr oeddym, a chanu yn hyfryd y buom, pan dywalltwyd yr Ysbryd arnom mewn modd nerthol. Ni allai neb godi oddiar ei liniau am tua awr a haner, ac nis gallwn yn ein byw feddwl am disgrifio yr olygfa. Yr oedd y rhan fwyaf o'r brodyr yn gelaneddau—y fath wylo, ocheneidio, a chwerthin boddhaus, a'r gweddio gorfoleddus! Y noson ddilynol caed cyfarfod yn yr un fan am 9 o'r gloch, a chaed presenoldeb yr Ysbryd yr un mor rymus eto. Nos Fercher, lonawr 4. Golygfa darawiadol yn y cyfarfod yma oedd dau frawd ieuanc yn codi ar eu traed i roddi eu hunain o'r newydd i'r Iesu. Ar ol hyn parhai y cyfarfodydd i gynyddu mewn rhif, nerth, a dylanwad; a chawsom rai nosweithiau bendigedig, a byddwn yn hir gofio cyfarfodydd nos Sadwrn, Ion. 7fed, a'r Sul dilynol, pan y torodd rhai o'r chwiorydd ieuainc allan mewn gorfoledd cyhoeddus am y tro cyntaf. Yr wythnos ddilynol cawsom bregethau gan y Parchn. J. T. Job a William Thomas (Llanrwst), pa rai oeddynt o dan arddeliad mawr, a pharhai y cyfarfodydd gweddio 9 o'r gloch hyd 11 a 11.30 bob nos, a chaed rhai nosweithiau ofnadwy, yn neillduol nos lau, lonawr 12. Cynhelir cyfarfodydd gweddio bob dydd gan y chwiorydd. Y mae yma 33 wedi ymuno o'r newydd, ac y mae yma ddisgwyliad mawr am ychwaneg. 

Goleuad - 13th January 1905.

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