'Last Sunday was a memorable one. 54 were added to the church. More inquirers.'
From, 'The South Wales Daily News', 10th December 1904.
THE REVIVAL, and a question that burns in the heart of every believer. Alltwen has been prominent among the hillsides of Wales [or "among places in Wales with the name 'Allt'"] for its religious influences [This is a play on "Alltwen", "fair hillside"], and so it is in the present day. The divine fire has been lit and has increased to such an extent that we may see the old and mighty being brought low like leaves from the trees, under the influence of the October breezes. Prayer meetings have been held here every night for many weeks, and have been extremely warm, and are being steeped in the nourishing and heavenly showers of the Spirit, until the congregations are raised to the top of a spiritual Pisgah, and the converts come in by the dozen [literally: "tens"]. Sabbath, January 29th, will long be remembered in Alltwen, when 96 souls were received under the banner of Christ, a mixture of the grey-haired old men down to the young. Your reporter and scores of others saw a similar scene in 1879. There was a powerful revival here locally at that time. We saw as many as a hundred and one in one month, and some ninety-nine the following month, not to mention the smaller numbers received in the following months. Although two hundred and eight have come in during this awakening, the sound can be heard of a crowd still coming from all directions. "Onward, heavenly fire" until Alltwen becomes as white as snow in Salmon, its streets like the golden streets of Jerusalem, shining under the heavenly rays. This tide has caused the old cauldron that has been boiling for years, to boil over, to stretch forth the curtains of the habitation [Isaiah 54:2), by building.
Y Celt - 10th February 1905
Y DIWYGIAD, a chwestiwn sydd yn llosgi yn nghalon pob credadyn. Mae yr Alltwen wedi bod yn amlwg yn mhlith geillt Cymru am ei dylanwadau crefyddol, ac felly y mae y dyddiau presenol. Mae y tan dwyfol wedi cyneu ac wedi codi i'r fath raddau, nes y cawn weled hen gedyrn yn cael eu cwympo megis dail y coed, dan ddylanwad awelon Hydref. Cynelir cyfarfodydd gweddi yma bob nos er ys wythnosau lawer, ac maent wedi bod yn eithafol o gynes, ac yn cael eu mwydo a chawodau maethlon a nefolaidd yr Ysbryd, nes codi,y cynulleidfaoedd i ben Pisgah ysbrydol, a'r dychweledigion yn dod i fewn wrth y degau. Diwrnod a hir gofir yn yr Allt yw dydd Sabbath Ionawr 29ain, pryd y derbyniwyd dan faner Crist bedwar ugain ac un ar bymtheg o eneidiau, yn gymysgedig o henafgwyr penllwyd, lawr hyd at yr ieuainc. Gwelodd eich gohebydd ac ugeiniau eraill, olygfa gyffelyb yn 1879. Yr oedd yma ddiwygiad lleol nerthol yr adeg hono.Gwelsom gynifer a chant ac un mewn un mis, a rhyw gant ond un y mis. dilynol, heblaw y nifer llai dderbyniwyd y misoedd canlynol i hyny. Er fod dau cant ac wyth wedi dod i fewn yn y deffroad yma,swn tyrfa glywir yn dod eto o bob cyfeiriad."Cerdd yn mla'n, nefol dan," nes bo'r Alltwen wedi dyfod mor wyned a'r eira yn Salmon, a'i heolydd fel heolydd aur Caersalem, yn dysgleirio dan y pelydrau sanctaidd. Mae y llanw yma wedi achosi i'r hen grochan sydd yn berwi er ys blynyddoedd, i dori ar draws yr ymylon, sef helaethu cortynau y ty, trwy adeiladu.
Y Celt - 10th February 1905.