This is how things stand with us. There is no noise or tumult here, and if that is what Revival is it has not yet reached us; but the spirit of prayer has taken complete possession of the church. We have been holding prayer meetings almost every evening for over two months, and theHoly Spirit is the President in all of them. The sisters also hold meetings among themselves. During the last six weeks, 49 were added by baptism and 10 from the country of backsliding.
27th January 1905, Seren Cymru newspaper.
Fel hyn y saif pethau gyda ni. Nid oes yma na swn na therfysg, ac os mai hyny yw Diwygiad nid yw etto wedi ein cyrhaedd ni; ond mae yspryd gweddi wedi llwyr feddianu yr eglwys. Cynnalir cyfarfodydd gweddio braidd bob nos or's dros ddau fis, a'r Yspryd Glan yw y Llywydd yn mhob un. Cynnalia y chwiorydd hefyd gyfarfod yn eu plith eu hunain. Yn ystod y chwech wythnos diweddaf ychwanegwyd trwy fedydd 49, o dir gwrthgiliad 10.
27th January 1905, Seren Cymru.