Jerusalem Welsh Calvinistic Methodist chapel, Ton Pentre - Evan Roberts (1904)

The evening meeting was an extraordinary one altogether. Jerusalem Chapel was simply crowded and overcrowded—body of chapel, aisles, galleries, lobby, staircases, big seat, pulpit,—and outside stood a seething mass of people waiting for possible chances of getting in, Hebron Chapel, only a stones-throw away, was also full; so was the Congregational Chapel. Miss Annie Davies, Maesteg, sang “Wrth gofio’i ruddfanau’n yr Ardd,” and when she had concluded Mr Roberts proceeded but had not gone far before she again, evidently under very deep emotion, began singing, “Dim ond Iesu” (“Jesus only”), when she utterly broke down, and, sobbing aloud, exclaimed, “0! Iesu, Iesu, drosof fi” (“O! Jesus, Jesus, for me!”) She wept bitterly, and caused hundreds to sob, raising her voice in loud lamentation. The tension became painful, overcoming the revivalist himself, and the position was only relieved by the chapel presenter striking up—. “Pen Calfaria, Pen Calfaria, Nac aed hwnw byth o’n cof,” and it was sung by the congregation with pathos as well as fervour. Miss Annie Davies, whose voice has been to some extent strained by the work of the past fortnight, was unable to take any part in the service afterwards. Mr Roberts, however, spoke at some length, and the scene when “testimonies” were called for was a very remarkable one. Miss May John sang with splendid effect the Welsh rendering of “Oh happy day,” viz, “O, hapus awr, hapus awr, Maddeuodd Iesu ‘meiau mawr,” and the refrain was taken up with unbounded enthusiasm by the vast congregation. Presently the strange mixture of impromptus which often comes with the hymn “Come to Jesus just now,” was, if possible, extended here. The names of converts were being enrolled, and there was an extraordinary number of them. They were shouted from all parts of the building, and great enthusiasm was aroused. “Dyma Nefoedd” (“Here is Heaven”), exclaimed Mr Evan Roberts, and Miss May John from the front of the gallery took it for a cue, singing, as she clapped her hands— “Dyma Nefoedd, dyma Nefoedd, Dyma Nefoedd, ‘r awr hon; ‘R awr hon, dyma Nefoedd— Dyma Nefoedd ‘r awr hon.” and the new verse rang through the building with a note of triumph that must have reverberated from the open windows through the street and along the hillsides. After the results of the night meeting, from the point of view of the enrolment of converts, I was not surprised to be informed that no fewer than 55 converts had declared themselves. Notwithstanding the steady downpour of rain at Pentre on Sunday, the various chapels were literally besieged, crowds of people waiting for hours outside in the cold and damp in the hope of being eventually able to gain admission, hundreds having to wait in vain. From, 'The Western Mail', 4th December 1904. The pastor of Gelli Road Bethany Calvinistic Methodist Church reported - 'Wonderful meetings, crowded gatherings every night'. From, 'The South Wales Daily News', 4th February 1905. The pastor of Hebron Baptist reported - 204 new members and 30 inquirers. Sunday school is much strengthened. Cottage prayer meetings on the increase. Three prayer meetings a day still continue.

From, 'The South Wales Daily News', 31st March 1905.

Additional Information

The church has been demolished.

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