Penuel Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Chapel, Pontypridd - Evan Roberts (1904)

There was a great crush at Penuel Chapel in the afternoon, and it was the utmost difficulty that Mr Evan Roberts himself was able to gain access to the building, some hundreds of people having to turn back disappointed. Sergeant-major Grout of the Rev F. B. Meyer’s Church – Christ Church, Westminster – was amongst those who spoke. Mr Roberts was speaking of obedience to the Spirit of God when the big congregation seemed to be utterly incapable of restraining themselves any longer. One would sing a verse, another recite a stanza, whilst others would be engaged in prayer, and all this would then culminate in an outburst of song. Madame Kate Morgan Llewelyn sang a solo to a tune of her own composition with admirable effect, and it was significantly indicative of the musical genius of the Welsh that the congregation had learnt the tune before Madame Llewelyn had finished her song, and when she repeated the last verse the congregation heartily joined in. Several taking part in the proceedings at the same time, some in the audience endeavoured to stop some from singing, and this called forth a severe rebuke on the part of the evangelist, and he implored the audience not to “hush” anything. They had no right to do so, and if it was persisted in, he would have to leave the meeting; it was too terrible, and he could not bear it. No one afterwards dared to interfere with the meeting in any shape or form, and the spontaneity and fervour manifested were most striking and even the missioner himself, when he asked the people to stop singing, was ignored, and verses and hymns were again recited and sung, and people prayed and exhorted their fellow-men. Far from resenting this, however, the evangelist appeared to be delighted, and good-humouredly remarked that it was not for man to have his own way; it was better to disobey man and obey the Spirit. The meeting concluded with an appeal to the people, and, as convert after convert was announced, the audience, as usual, gave expression to their feelings of thanksgiving in song, “Diolch Iddo” and “songs of praises” resounding through the whole place.

From, 'The Western Mail', 18th December 1904.

Additional Information

The church was demolished in 1960.

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