Worcester (1876)

A week of mission has been held at Worcester, which, according to accounts received has been remarkable, even in these days of special mission weeks, for the completeness of the preparatory organisations, for the unity of spirit shown by the various clergymen and others taking part, and for the thoroughgoing devotion and zeal displayed during the progress of the services.

The correspondence to the local paper rights; –

"This mission has been an eminent success. In all the parishes there have been large and in some cases overflowing congregations. This will hardly surprise any who have known of the long and careful preparation for it. This preparation has been going on through several months and the clergy seem to be reaping the rewards of patient and earnest preparatory work. Before any announcement was made to the public, the clergy have their meetings for mutual counsel, desirous as they were providing unity amongst themselves, as well as of laying the foundation of more successful work in their several parishes.

The mission was opened by a most earnest and appropriate address by Canon Barry in the cathedral. Services and meetings to meet the circumstances of all classes have been held daily. No class in society seems to have been overlooked and no means left untried to benefit all."

A friend has sent us a deeply interesting summary of the work, tracing its origin in progress and giving also many encouraging details with respect to the special services in the nonconformist places of work in October last. Owing to the pressure on our space, we can only give our correspondence closing sentences: –

Of all the causes which have contributed to the success of the mission, the preaching of Christ and Him crucified has been the most effectual. The missioners wisely made it their aim to use great plainness of speech and to set forth the fundamental doctrines of the Gospel in a style adapted to the humblest class of hearers. The evangelistic address was followed by an after meeting which was in its turn followed by personal dealing with anxious enquiries. The after-meetings were generally very large and in one or two cases the meeting was thrown open for free prayer. As a rule, however, the whole service is performed by the officiating clergyman.

As to results, it is difficult to speak with any degree of accuracy. So far as symptoms may be relied on as indicating the probabilities respecting the issues to be expected, they are full of promise. The assemblages were large, the interest intense and confined to no particular class of the community. The after-meetings were crowded and a large number of inquirers sought to be personally directed as to the way of salvation. 25 fallen sisters have been rescued from a life of infamy. Public houses have been feeling the effects of the movement and there is reason to believe that not a few abandoned characters have been reclaimed.

Meanwhile, all seem alive to the importance of keeping the movement underway and it is hoped that the gracious impulse which has been given to all the Christian workers throughout the city will continue to make itself felt far and near for many years to come.

“The Christian,“ February 24, 1876.


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