United Presbyterian Church, Coatbridge (1874)

A GREAT work of grace has been going on here during the last five weeks, under the auspices of the Coatbridge Young Men's Christian Association. Two evangelists of the Scottish Evangelistic Association, Messrs Watt and Bisset, have been preaching Christ and Him crucified, simply, earnestly and powerfully to large audiences and their labours have been eminently successful. Never, we think. in the annals of Christian work in this town, has there been so great a movement. From the commencement of the series of services, they have been well attended by large and miscellaneous audiences. Latterly the Temperance Hall, where the meetings are held, was filled to overflowing. Nearly every night there have been from twenty to thirty anxious inquirers after the way of salvation, and very many have been persuaded to accept Christ as He is
freely offered to them in the gospel. 

On Friday night last, the series of meetings was brought to a most successful close by a religious social gathering. Seldom, if ever, has there been so blessed a soiree in this place. The addresses were full of the sap of the gospel of Christ Jesus, and the speakers, we are glad to record, did not stoop to amuse the audiences by retailing puns or jokes which are so freely indulged in at soirees generally. The chair was occupied by Mr David Morrison, president of the Coatbridge Young Men's Christian Association, and the speakers were - Messrs McLaughlan, Brown, Daniels, Bisset, and Watt, all of whom have been one-time agents of the Scottish Evangelistic Association. The success which has attended the efforts of the young men has constrained them to carry on evangelistic work for a month longer. The first meeting of the second series was held in the United Presbyterian Church on Sabbath night last, which was crowded to suffocation. The meeting was addressed by Messrs M'Laughlan and Barr. 

COATBRIDGE, 21st September 1874.

"Times of Blessing," Oct 1st, 1874.

The two faithful servants - Messrs Scroggie and Dunn - who have been labouring here for some weeks past, have departed for England. There has been a great awakening among all classes, and a very blessed work amongst the young men. Numbers have been brought to Jesus from amongst the careless and ungodly. The revival among God's professing people
has been great; they have been quickened and revived; they have been aroused from their lethargy, and are pressing on in the cause of Christ, redeeming the time. These services are a fresh proof to us that the gospel has the same drawing power as ever, if only it be preached with earnestness and simplicity. The crowds that have attended were wonderful. A special farewell service was held in the large United Presbyterian Church, on Sabbath night, Sept. 5, and a farewell service for believers in the same place on Tuesday night. It was a memorable meeting. Inside the communion rails were seated the members of the Coatbridge Young Men's Christian Association, under, whose auspices the evangelists were labouring: young men of all denominations and the sight recalled the words of the Psalmist, "Behold how good and how pleasant a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" The work is still going on: the efforts of the Y.M.C.A. have incited the various denominations to work with more diligence and to display more zeal in this branch of Christian work than heretofore and if that alone was the result of their labours, they would feel amply repaid. 

'The Christian," August 12th, 1875.

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