Inverness - D L Moody (1874)

Thursday, 16th July, had every hour filled with work. Between 400 and 500 met for prayer at noon. The Rev. A. N. Somerville, D.D., Glasgow, Rev. Dr Black, and the Rev. Mr M`Donald, Oban, took part in the meeting; while the Rev. Mr Shaw, of Laggan, "narrated some interesting details of the work in that district, and requested prayer for its progress." A Bible Reading, attended by a similar number, was held in the United Presbyterian Church. The open-air meeting, on the Castle Hill, was attended by about 2000 persons. The Hosing meeting for the day was held in the Free High Church, where the numbers of inquirers showed that die work of grace was progressing. Similar meetings were held on Friday, and, when the evangelist drew the net at the close of the day, there were many enquirers and not a few decisions.

Sabbath, 19th July, was a memorable day. The services during the day were remarkable, but the open-air gathering on the Castle Hill and the after-meeting that evening were the most manifestly blessed of the series. After addressing about 5000, gathered on the terrace and slope in front of the County Buildings, an adjournment was made to the Free High Church, where more than 1000 assembled. "After several short, fervent prayers had been offered, Mr Sankey sang 'Almost Persuaded.' In the open air he had sung with great strength, making the words heard far beyond the audience; but in the church he sang with great softness, distinctness, and pathos—perhaps no hymn sung by him in Inverness produced a deeper effect than this. The meeting then divided while some hymns were being sung, the men adjourning to the Congregational Chapel, where, for the first time in these meetings, the galleries had to be opened. In the women's meeting anxious ones were asked to go to the session-house, but it soon became evident that this arrangement was insufficient. Whilst a large number met there with Mr Moody, all over the church were to be seen little groups of two or three inquirers conversing with Christian friends. There was also a large number of inquirers at the men's meeting. It was a night in which the power of the Holy Ghost was made gloriously manifest, so as to fill the hearts of God's people with solemn and holy joy."

Monday, 20th July, was the last day of the Mission. A thanksgiving and praise meeting, presided over by Mr Sankey, in the absence of Mr Moody, owing to fatigue, was held in the Music Hall at one o'clock. The farewell meeting was held in the Free High Church at 8 p.m. The church began to fill long before the hour and was soon densely packed. "The 100th Psalm was sung, and the Rev. Mr Thornton, of Montreal, led in prayer. Mr Sankey sang, 'We shall part, but not forever,' the choir joining in the chorus. Mr Moody then read some verses in the third chapter of 2nd Peter, and in the twenty-third chapter of Matthew, after which Mr Sankey, in compliance with several requests, sang a solo, 'The Lost Sheep.' Mr Moody delivered a most arresting and solemn address. In very earnest terms he warned his audience of judgment to come, beseeching them to think of it as a reality and to accept Christ. The close of his address, when he deplored his inability to speak for Christ with the earnestness he desired, and with tears entreated the unsaved to close with the Saviour, was listened to with a silence broken only by the irrepressible signs of deep emotion on the part of his audience. There were not many dry eyes in the vast congregation, and many heads were bowed. At the close of the address the Rev. Dr Black engaged in prayer. . . .Mr. Moody, before engaging in prayer, asked those who were Christians, and who desired to have their spiritual life quickened, and to be more hearty and earnest in serving Christ, to stand up. The majority of those present did so, and, whilst they were standing, he asked those who had not yet placed their trust in Jesus, and who wished to be prayed for, to rise. A large number responded, and then Mr Moody offered a very earnest prayer.. . . It is impossible to give any idea, by words, of the deep solemnity and holy emotion which characterised this closing meeting. The Lord has been in the midst of us to-night,' said Mr Moody, as the meeting was separating. Ah, yes; glory to His Name!' was the reply. The after-meeting was the most solemn I ever witnessed. Pew after pew was cleared for those who professed to be seeking Christ, and still they pressed forward. There were upwards of hundred of them, and their earnest attention, while Mr Moody, in simple, tender words, pointed out to hem the way of salvation—the perfect stillness which prevailed as, with their heads bowed upon the book- hoard, they engaged in silent prayer—the manifest anxiety, reverence, and sincerity which animated their behaviour during the subsequent solemn exercises¬, testified to the presence of the Holy Ghost in that hallowed hour." The men's meeting, in the Congregational Chapel, presided over by Mr Sankey, was also greatly blessed. A very large number of inquirers were conversed with, and, when the night's work was ended, the universal feeling was that the Lord's saving power had been gloriously manifested.

Revivals in the Highlands and Islands by Alexander Macrea – Republished in 1998 by Tentmaker Publications.

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