Welsh Presbyterian Church, Liverpool (1875)

THE RESULTS OF WELSH REVIVALISM IN LIVERPOOL. The revivalism among the Welsh since the great meetings held in the Victoria Hall, has resolved itself into a practical result. At the afternoon meeting, held in the Prince's Road Presbyterian Chapel, in connection with this movement, some very important statements were made. The Rev. O. Thomas presided and was supported by a very good muster of ministers of the various denominations in town. The Rev. John Thomas, Netherfield Road Independent Chapel, bore testimony to the fact that, in his church, a great number had turned their faces towards the house of God, among whom were some for whom he had had but little hopes, although he preached to them every Sunday. The revival was also evident among the young members of his congregation. The young men, who some time previously could not be prevailed upon to take an active part in church affairs, now bent with pliancy to any call made upon them - Mr Evans, Everton Village Baptist Chapel, said that, although the signs of the revivalism were not so evident in his church as in some of the others, they were not discouraging. He had had several coming forward, who were anxious to be at peace with God. There was also a growing disposition among them to make some effort in the cause and to be useful members of the church. A gentleman representing the Pall Mall Methodist Chapel said that very energetic efforts were being made there among the members of the church. The young ladies volunteered to go about into the homes of the misguided and induce the children to come to the Sunday School and their efforts had been successful. They had also provided for the poor by the means of a clothing club, and had been effectual in providing and caring for the aged people This was the result of revivalism—Mr Eleaser Roberts, of the Netherfield Road Methodist Chapel, said that a great number had been received into the church since the revival meetings held by the Welsh in the Victoria Hall He also testified to the spirit of Christian industry which existed among the members of the Sunday School. They were known to have searched for stray children and to have brought them by the hand to the Sunday School, and it was now their habit to call every Sunday for these children to bring them to school and take them home afterwards. Mr David Davies, Bedford Street South, who represented the Grove Street Independent church, said that the revivalism had borne its healthful influence among them also. He, however, regretted the disadvantage they at Grove Street were labouring under by the absence of a pastor, but the members gave evidence of much activity in the affairs of the church, which he accepted as a good omen.  

The Rev. O. Thomas made the announcement that a statement had been handed to him of the number of converts received at the various chapels, and it was gratifying to say that it amounted to the grand number of 651. He exhorted united prayer for the redeemed, that they might find strength to remain faithful. The Rev. Wm. Roberts, Great Mersey street, said that since this revivalism he had found it easier to preach to his congregation and they appeared to receive his remarks with avidity. The question was would those that had been redeemed hold steadfast? He found that the majority had done so since the previous revivals, and he had every confidence that these would do the same. The meeting was then brought to a close by prayer. Another of these meetings was held at 7 o'clock when a number of ministers gave addresses. We learn from a private source that there is an amount of disunity among the promoters of these revival meetings with reference to holding some more meetings at the Victoria Hall. It is by some thought to be surprising that after such results have been attained, and the confidence which seems to prevail that a repetition of such meetings would be equally successful, some decided and immediate action is not taken to hold more there. Chapel meetings widely differ from the meeting at the Victoria Hall. They take a more select form and are not so popular. Meetings in the Victoria Hall would draw the thousands and would present attractions to indue a great number to attend, who would otherwise never entertain a thought of attending, and what an impression such meetings would have, has been practically demonstrated m the figures presented, which show that 651 have been influenced for good.

"The North Wales Chronicle," May 1st, 1875.

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