Low Church, Kilmarnock - D L Moody (1874)

The Rev. Mr Leitch sends the following:-

Messrs Moody and Sankey visited Kilmarnock on Sabbath the 24th ult.
Their coming was eagerly looked for, and many a prayer was offered that they might come in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel. They held three meetings during the day-all apart from the ordinary church services. In the evening at 8:30pm a special meeting was held for office-bearers and other church workers in the Low Church. Admission was by ticket, and 1750 were present. Mr Sankey, accompanied by a number of ladies, led the service of song: his singing was fraught with great power, and produced deep impression. Mr Moody spoke on the words "Occupy till I come," directing particular attention to the "feeding of the lambs." Seldom has any audience been more impressed: for more than an hour he held them spellbound as he discoursed on Christian work. Many a heart and conscience must have been stirred as he exhorted his hearers to work
for the Master. When it is remembered that the large audience was composed of workers not only from Kilmarnock but from districts miles distant from the town, it will at once be seen that the influence of such a meeting will be far-reaching and widespread.

At half-past four in the afternoon the Low Church was again filled by nearly 2,000 people, to hear an evangelistic address from Mr Moody. The Relief Church was open for overflow, and received seventeen hundred people, who were addressed by Rev. Mr Brown, Rev. G. F. James, and Sheriff Campbell. Mr. Moody confined his attention to the afternoon meeting in the Low Church, and to an evening meeting in the same place at seven o'clock, Mr Sankey sang at both these meetings, but also went to sing the gospel in the Relief Church both in the afternoon and evening. The interest manifested by the thousands who came to hear the evangelists was intense, and the impression made was very deep. This was shown at the close, of the evangelistic meetings 200 anxious enquirers repaired to Free St Andrew's Church, asking in all earnestness, "What must I do to be saved?" After all had been spoken to by ministers and others, Mr Moody gave a brief address, and the meeting was closed by singing, "Safe in the arms of Jesus."

The evangelists left for Salteoats on Monday, and were followed with many prayers for, a blessing on their labours. On Monday evening an evangelistic meeting was held at Free St Andrew's Church. The church was full and a stirring address was given by Rev. Dr David MacEwan of Glasgow. Nearly a hundred waited to be spoken to. Night after night meetings are held and the work goes on which, as it seems, he spoke with a tenderness and a power even greater than in the afternoon. We hope to be able to give further details of the good work in our next issue. It should be stated that evangelistic meetings had been held for three months prior to the visit of Messrs Moody and Sankey. Much good was done. The ministers for the most part are all heartily engaged in the work. 

"Times of Blessing," June 4th, 1874.

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