Victoria Hall, Liverpool - D L Moody (1875)

These eminent evangelists commenced their labours in Liverpool on Sabbath morning, 7th February, under the most encouraging circumstances. The services were well attended — thousands were excluded from the afternoon and evening meetings from want of accommodation. The people listened with intense earnestness. The meetings were held in the Victoria Hall — the new building specially constructed for the purpose being so named. It is entirely of wood and has cost about £4,000, a large sum for a building that was only to be used for a month, and taken down at the end of that time.

It affords accommodation to about 8,000 persons, exclusive of platform seats. It is lighted by eighty-three windows, and there are no less than twenty doors for exit, all opening outwards. There are five staircases for the gallery. Very complete arrangements have been made for lighting and warming. Interiorly the sides or walls have been covered with canvas and papered with oak paper. Ventilation is provided in the roof by two large trunks with outlets. In rear of the large hall are two "inquiry" and meeting rooms, and retiring rooms for ladies and gentlemen. About thirty thousand cubic feet of timber have been used in the construction and three thousand two hundred superficial feet of glass. The erection has occupied altogether thirty-nine working days.

The first meeting — for Christian workers — was held at eight o'clock in the morning, and though the weather was intensely cold and raw, about five thousand or six thousand were present. Probably so great and so striking a gathering of a similar character has never before been seen in Liverpool. The sombre appearance of the building itself was a little relieved by the red baize around the front of the galleries, on which, in large white letters, were the texts, " Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ;" "Be ye reconciled to God; " and " Ye must be born again." At the platform end of the building was exhibited in still larger letters the words, " God is love."

Precisely at eight o'clock the choir, which seemed to be excellently trained, the voices being bright and well-balanced, and skillfully led, commenced the hymn, "Jesus Loves even me."

The Rev. Henry Baugh (Episcopalian) having engaged in prayer, Mr Sankey having sang "Hold the Fort," and some other pieces, Mr Moody delivered his address to Christian workers, and in the course of his remarks said: — "Now if we are going to see a great work in this town of Liverpool, the children of God must be of good courage. Let us expect great things and not be afraid of public opinion." Before the departure of the congregation he condemned the sale of hymn books at the doors on Sundays, and continued: "It had been said that they were making money out of the sale of the hymn books. But this was not so, for they were only connected with the publication of one edition, the proceeds of the sale of which were handed over to Mr Hugh Matheson of London, for charitable purposes. - The enemy were also saying that they were making a great deal out of the sale of organs. They were not selling organs, nor were they hired by any organ society or company to represent them. He saw boys selling an account of his life, with portraits of him. He wished people would not buy them.

Even with the miserable weather, there was an audience of at least ten thousand people at the evening meeting, and it is said about four thousand or five thousand persons were unable to get admission. The great bulk of the audience was composed of the middle and respectable artisan classes, with here and there representatives of the poorer classes in fustian jackets, while no mean proportion of the assembly was made up of youths and girls. On the platform were several ministers, and several gentlemen of prominent positions.

The American evangelists, D.L. Moody and Ira D. Sankey, in Great Britain and Ireland, by John Hall and George Stuart, pages 343-6.

THE noonday services on Tuesday (23d Feb.) were attended by about 6,000 persons. Mr Moody delivered an address, his remarks having reference to those who conducted the work in the inquiry room. He said he did not believe a greater injury could be done to a soul than to say, “Believe and you are saved.” That was not true and it could not be found anywhere in the Bible. One of the questions sometimes put in the inquiry room was, "How do you feel?” That was the very rock they should try to get them away from, and he believed that was the very last plank that the devil threw out when the Rock of Ages was being reached. The devil threw out this plank, and they thought it was all right. They went to the meeting, and they felt bad and they felt good; and when they thought it was all safe,

Down went the plank, and into the water they went again. Mr. Moody then said, that what they should show to the inquirers was the word of God, and that was about all they could do. They might teach them a great deal of error, but God's word would not be error- it would be the truth.

Progress of the Work.

Afterwards, the meeting was thrown open as an experience meeting, and the Rev. G. Robinson, St. Augustine's, stated how the work was progressing in Liverpool. He said that, from all he knew and all he could hear, he was sure that it was reaching every class, from the highest to the lowest. He knew that there were many awakened at the present time who a little time ago were careless. He knew that many Christian people had received such a blessing as would lead them to go forth in the strength of the Lord, proving themselves a blessing to others when Messrs. Moody and Sankey were gone from Liverpool. He had had a gentleman staying with him from Dublin, and he had told him some very interesting facts connected with the work in that city. 

Mr T. Matheson said he had received a letter having reference to the work in Liverpool. He read the letter, which stated that a request was on its way from an old engine driver, who was a very good man and had striven long and successfully to do away with Sunday work. The communication was written by a 'Lady Visitor,' and she went on to say: "He and some of his like-minded mates who have been attending your meetings have put their heads together, and with many tears and prayers are asking prayer for the drivers, firemen, and men on the London and North-Western Railway.? Mr Matheson remarked, what a glorious thing it would be if this class of mechanics got a blessing through these services -- those men who held in their hands the lives of so many railway passengers. At Mr Matheson's request, prayer was joined in for the engine drivers and stokers of our railways.

At the afternoon meeting, Mr Moody remarked that some said this was not the work of God. But nineteen months' experience had made him think it must be when he saw so many people come to the Bible readings. Alluding to the Bible which he held in his hand, and which he said was saved from the fire in Chicago. He said it was the most valuable to him of any Bible and it would take a great deal of money to buy it. It was so precious because he had carried it so long, and had notes of sermons which he had heard upon its margin, which notes brought the sermon back to him.


THERE is no diminution in the interest which Messrs. Moody and Sankey's visit is occasioning; on the contrary, the meetings have never been so full as during the first days of the present week. It is a very hopeful sign that, at Sunday morning's meeting (Feb. 21), the hall was completely filled by 8 o'clock; whereas, when Mr Moody first arrived, and there was all the influence of curiosity to bring together a large audience, the hall was not more than half filled at that hour. Mr Moody's address was most effective and was listened to with deep and breathless attention by the vast audience of Christian workers. He pointed out the necessity of much-believing prayer if we would successfully reap in the harvest field and illustrated this by several most stirring and affecting narratives. The meeting for non-churchgoers was again well attended. Some who were present felt that the tone of the meeting was not quite equal to the wonderful morning meeting of the previous Sunday.

The meeting for women was again crowded, and so was the supplementary meeting for young men at St James' Hall, where addresses were delivered by the Rev. Mr. Symington, and Mr. Balfour of Edinburgh. In the evening an immense multitude of men was gathered together, and the Circus, as well as the Victoria Hall, was crowded. The number of those who were seeking the salvation of their souls is stated to have been very large, both on this and on the two following nights. The Circus has been secured for the next fortnight and is being utilized every night-first for an overflow meeting, which lasts from 7.30 to 8.30, and then for a meeting specially for young men, from 9 till 10. Many of these are unable to get away from their employment in time to secure seats at Mr. Moody's services and Mr. Moody is most anxious that they should be reached, and become partakers in the general blessing.

Remarkable Harvest of Souls.

Perhaps Tuesday night last was one of the most remarkable harvest nights that Mr Moody has had here. After a considerable number of inquirers had gone into the anteroom, he invited the anxious, and only those, to remain in the body of the hall. His address, which had been a most powerful one, had evidently produced a deep impression, and many hundreds accepted the invitation. It is impossible to say that there may not have been some considerable proportion of real believers mixed up with the multitude of persons who remained behind; but as these numbered something like 1,000, even making allowance for the believers present, the number of those who were really seeking after the Lord must have been very large. After speaking to them collectively, Mr Moody invited all who wished for further conversation to go at once into the anteroom, which by this time had been emptied of its former occupants, they having been conversed with. It was a most wonderful sight to witness the response to this invitation. Men and women swarmed into the room, literally by the hundred, until it was quite full. There was a much larger proportion of men than of women. This is an interesting sign, as it is one's general experience that the men are not usually extensively reached until a very remarkable manifestation of spiritual power has taken place.

On Wednesday night a different method was adopted, which seemed to work extremely well. The gentleman who was left in charge of the after-meeting, the anteroom being already crowded with those who had gone to seek for assistance there, gathered all who remained into the central benches in the body of the hall. Perhaps the number may have been from 1,000 to 1,200. After prayer and a short address, all who were themselves at peace with God were asked to draw off into the side aisles while a hymn was being sung and to leave none but the anxious or the unconverted in the centre of the whole. This had the effect of rendering it possible to distinguish between those who needed help and those who desired to render it and the result was most satisfactory. There may have been about 200 who remained in the body of the hall - many, of course, withdrew to their houses, - and it was easy then to assign a Christian worker to each individual who was seeking peace. 

The Bible Readings

Mr Moody's afternoon lectures on the way to read the Bible are exciting very considerable interest and are largely attended.

Children’s Meeting

The most overwhelming gathering, in point of numbers, that has yet taken place occurred on Wednesday when Mr Moody gave an address to children. I calculated, on very close observation, that each of the seats contained just double as many children as they usually contained of adults and as every portion of the hall was packed I concluded that there could not have been less than some 15,000 souls within the building. In fact, the meeting failed by its success, for the building is so vast and the multitude was so great, that it was impossible to prevent a good deal of disturbance, which sadly marred the effect of Mr Moody's interesting address. Mr Sankey’s singing seemed highly appreciated by the children and perhaps this was the most successful part of the service.

I am persuaded the movement is taking a firmer hold upon Liverpool every day. Opposition is dying out and earnest men of all classes are beginning to feel that this is the finger of God and there is great joy in our city. 

"Times of Blessing," March 4th 1875.

"This is glorious work; this is reality." Such was the remark that reached my ears one evening last week as I was passing through the inquiry room adjoining Victoria Hall  There I thought is the whole movement in a nutshell. The more I see it, and the more I ponder over it, I am impressed with the feeling of reality that pervades this work as it is now going on in Liverpool. Endless are the surmises and very ludicrous some of the guesses as to the secret of its wonderful success The Liverpool critics (and their name is legion) are fairly puzzled. They cannot dispute facts, though they are not always careful to ascertain what the facts really are, and seem to have a wonderful aptitude at twisting them. But there is much that they cannot help seeing and knowing, and they are at a loss to understand how two simple common laymen have been able to do what hundreds upon hundreds of cultivated and refined theologians have not got in sight of. I sum it all up in one word “reality.” The age is full of hollowness and pretence, both in the world and in the Church; the result has been, you can hardly distinguish the one from the other.

Mr Moody has often been described and criticised and dissected by friends and foes, but I think sufficient stress has not been laid on his predominating characteristic of reality. His gospel is the same as one hears in most places, but it is different because it is so real. Never mind if his weapons are not of the orthodox kind; they accomplish the desired object all

the more, perhaps, just as the youthful David's sling and stone went straight to the mark. To follow up the parallel, Mr Moody is not content with sending his message straight to the hearts of his hearers, but he follows it up, as David did when he completed his victory over the Philistine. As he said the other day in London, he pulls up his net anon to see what he has caught. This is the highest test of his reality and the one that has evoked the greatest criticism. the one that has all along contributed most to the success of the movement.

During the past week the slain of the Lord have been many. Every evening has seen fresh groups scattered over the inquiry room, with tearful eyes and troubled hearts, drinking in the affectionate words of invitation, or the plain words of appeal, addressed to them by Mr Moody and his co-workers. People who know least about it may affect to shrug the shoulder at the inquiry room, but one or two visits there would do them good and probably convince them how indispensable it is to the success in this work. I hope one result of this awakening in our land will be that every minister of the gospel and everyone who seeks to speak to his fellow men about salvation, will not only cast out the net but will draw it up every time.

The leading attraction of the meetings last week was Mr Moody's Bible lectures. On Tuesday and Wednesday he gave two lectures on "The Blood” and on Thursday and Friday, two lectures on “Heaven." These were delivered each day at three o'clock in the afternoon, and again in the evening, so as to enable a large number of persons to attend them. On each occasion the hall was crowded; so that on a moderate computation, the seed of the word of God relating to these two most important subjects was sown in the hearts of some 60,000 or 70,000 persons, many of them from a long distance. In the words of the hymn we may ask, "What shall the harvest be?” The day shall reveal it.

The lectures are a treat of no ordinary kind. As expository discourses they are most valuable, and reveal, to some extent, how Mr Moody has got, to use a common phrase, "the Bible at his finger ends." Probably few of his thousands of hearers ever before had such a correct estimate of the value of the doctrine of "the blood" or, as Mr Moody calls it, "the scarlet thread" that runs through the Scriptures, like the thread that holds together a string of precious pearls. Mr Moody traced the doctrine from the slaying of the beasts in Eden, with whose skins God clothed our first parents, recorded in Genesis down to the Revelation where the redeemed sing the song of Moses, and the Lamb that was slain. The lectures on "Heaven" must have left the impressions and ideas of that "prepared place for a prepared people” clearer to the minds and dearer to the hearts of the listeners than ever. 

Both these lectures have a wonderful hortatory as well as expository value. As Mr Moody held up the sacrifice offered on the cross, “once for all,” and dwelt on the exceeding preciousness of the blood of Christ as a sufficient atonement for sin, many a head was bowed, and many a heart melted, that had hitherto been steeled against the story of a Saviour’s love. Again, when Mr Moody, speaking on “Heaven” showed the utter worthlessness of earthly treasure when compared to the “prize" for which Paul looked and longed, the arrow of conviction went home to many a heart. His remarks on the necessity for many Christians throwing out a good deal of  “ballast" before they could rise to a higher spiritual life, were, I think, very timely, and capable of application in these money-getting and money-worshipping days.

It is a gratifying fact that the attendance of the evening meetings chiefly continues to increase. During the first week of the services the Victoria Hall was almost sufficient to hold the crowds of eager listeners; at any rate, the overflow was not considered so great as to necessitate the opening of other places. Last week, however, overflow meetings were held, sometimes in two and sometimes in three different places, St. John's Church, William Brown-street; Byrom Hall, Byrom Street and Newsome's Circus which adjoins the Victoria Hall.

One evening, I went to St. John's Church, where I found Rev. W. H. M. Aiken and the Vicar of the church conducting the service after the model of the services in Victoria Hall. The body of the church was filled partly with the overflow from the hall, and partly with those who had been induced to enter by personal solicitation and by hearing a group of young men singing hymns in the churchyard. It was a motley company and a great majority consisted of those who, from their dress and appearance, do not often find their way to God's house. There were numbers of men such as one -sees lounging at street corners and about public houses, many young girls in working attire and without bonnets, and a number of rough, neglected-looking street Arabs. Their behaviour, with one or two exceptions, was most orderly and attentive. Mr. Aitken gave a singularly solemn and searching address, on the misery and ruin caused by sin and the cure provided in Christ the Sin-bearer. A good sprinkling remained at the close to be conversed with, and many of them were enabled to lay their sins on Jesus, or, as Mr Aitken puts it, to accept the fact that God had laid them there nearly nineteen hundred years ago.

It is interesting and refreshing to notice how all grades of society and all ages are represented among the anxious who throng the inquiry room at the close of Mr Moody's addresses. From the richly dressed lady to the poor waif of the street, with scare enough of clothing to cover his nakedness; from the boy and girl of eight or ten years to the horny-handed, grey-headed, working man, with all the intervening stages of life, there you find all, burdened with the same sense of sin and afterwards rejoicing in the same Saviour. Truly, we are all one in Christ.

The noon prayer meetings continue to be well attended and are chiefly remarkable for the accumulated testimony that is given to the good effect of this movement in outlying towns and country districts. The meetings have been attended during the last week by large numbers of Welsh ministers and others and with their proverbial fire and energy, these warm-hearted labourers in the Lord's vineyard, among their native hills will become retailers of the quickening and refreshing influence, they have received in Liverpool. At one of the noon meetings, Rev Mr Hetherington gave some most interesting accounts of good work among the sailors here, who had attended the Victoria Hall services. He said he believed the ramifications of this awakening would, through the agency of these converted sailors, extend to nearly every part throughout this civilised world.

The special work among the young men, which has been carried on in other towns, where the evangelist have been by Henry Drummond and others, is being organised here also. On Saturday evening, there was a meeting for young men, chiefly to make arrangements, at which Mr Moody was present. In the meantime, the meetings will be held in Newsome’s Circus and shortly it is expected that the Concert Room of Saint George’s Hall will be available.

Sunday, last was another day of much sowing of the precious seed of the word and reaping too. The early meeting for “workers“ was some 8,000 strong. Mr Moody’s address was a continuation of those he had delivered on the two previous Sunday mornings – “To every man, his work.“ His remarks were chiefly directed to work in the Sunday school, in which he said, the whole Church of God should be engaged. He spoke of the good that even little children could do. He would a good deal rather have a little miss some 13 or 14 years old to tell the other children of the love of Jesus, than an old man with no fire in his heart.  He enforced his appeals by some striking and appropriate incidents, of which he seems to have an inexhaustible store. He prayed that all those present “might have a passion for souls.“

Mr Sankey, whose voice was missed on Friday last, was present on Sunday morning as usual, and sang some of the hymns appropriate to the occasion with much power and effect, especially “Scatter seeds of kindness,“ and “Go work in my vineyard.” He was in excellent voice and his tuneful notes of exhortation sounded through the vast company with very touching and powerful emphasis. At the second service for non-churchgoers, he sang the solo part of the beautiful hymn “What shall the harvest be?” The audience joining in the chorus. He sang likewise, with his usual depth of pathos, that moving story, in verse of the Shepherd’s  love to the lost sheep, “The Ninety and Nine.“

This service was not quite so largely attended as on the preceding Sunday, but by the time, Mr Moody’s address commenced, the hall was quite full. It was a somewhat saddening thought that so many thousands of people in this town, who most of them have not the slender excuse of want of respectable clothing, should admittedly and regularly absent themselves from the public worship of God. Yet it was pleasant to think that they were so far convinced of the importance of spiritual things as to come to Victoria Hall to hear more about them. Mr Moody simply, and in that wonderful realistic way in which he describes things, told the story of Christ's agony, betrayal, shameful maltreatment, trial and crucifixion. The heart must’ve been hard indeed that could remain unmoved, and the whole congregation seemed deeply to feel the surpassing interest of the story recited by Mr Moody. Numbers rose at his invitation, indicating their desire to become Christians, and the inquiry room was filled up with those whose hearts have been touched, and who desired a sense of God’s pardoning love, through the infinite merits of the Crucified One.“

The afternoon meeting for women was a wonderful sight. The hall was packed to excess and many hundreds, failing to gain entrance, an overflow meeting was held in Newsome’s Circus. Mr Sankey sang the solo amidst the most profound silence and pathetic and beautiful words of the hymn brought tears to many an eye. Mr Moody spoke on “What Christ is to us,“ a most pregnant, and powerful address on a theme that he said it would take all eternity to exhaust. As at other times, Mr Moody asked those who wished to be prayed for to rise up and hundreds upon hundreds, responded in all parts of the house. A more touching or cheering site I never witnessed. Mr Moody said that there were so many anxious it would be impossible to speak with them, so he asked him to go home and at 5 o’clock to take God’s Word and kneel down, pleading His promise, and commit themselves to Him. All the Christians in the hall would be praying for them at that hour. He prayed that they might be altogether persuaded.

Mr Moody repeated his afternoon address to an immense audience of men in the evening, and in the course of it made strong reference to the great curse of Liverpool, the drink traffic, amid the approval of the vast congregation. He asked them to show the detestation of it by becoming abstainers. There were hundreds of inquirers at the close. A deeply interesting meeting of about 7,000 young men was held in the Circus from 9 to 10 o’clock, conducted by Mr Henry Drummond. These meetings are to be continued every night.

The meetings are we understand to be continued in the Victoria Hall during March after Messrs Moody and Sankey have left for London.

"The Christian", February 25th, 1875.


Messrs. Moody and Sankey have concluded another week of their evangelistic labours with the same if not more, blessed results. The tide of revival influence has risen powerfully during the past week, and in every part of this large city its waves are rapidly flowing. The interest created by these services may be judged from the fact that the average attendance daily amounts to twenty thousand people, without the various prayer and inquiry meetings, while thousands are daily unable to gain admission. A deep, anxious feeling is evident among the masses of the population, thousands of whom date their conversion from the recent meetings. In surrounding country districts, where the news of the great religious movement has spread, the people have been aroused, and in many places an awakening has broken out. A great improvement has taken place in the attendance at nearly all the places of worship, and this is one of the many direct results that have followed Messrs. Moody and Sankey's visit. Mr Sankey's singing has been made the blessed instrument in arousing many to think of their spiritual condition, and cry out, like the Philippian jailer, 'What must I do to be saved?' Conviction of sin by this means alone has entered many a sin-sick soul, and pointed it to the Great Physician.

"The work of God in Great Britain, under Messrs. Moody and Sankey, 1873-1875: with biographical sketches," by R W Clark, 1875.

Sunday next will close the visit of our beloved and honoured friends to this great town. God grant that this last week may surpass the previous three in blessing! Liverpool has been expecting great things, and the Lord has in mercy heard the cry of his children. Truly he hath spoken good concerning Liverpool. The tide of blessing has been steadily rising. What the prophet saw only in vision, we have seen in fact. The waters of grace, which at first reached only to the ankles, and then to the knees, have now risen over the loins, and they are a river to swim in. Thousands feel, as they have never felt before, that Liverpool, with the district around it, is in the mighty and loving hand of God. The special meetings in Victoria Hall have taken an intense hold on the town. The great building is much too small for the work. Messrs. Moody and Sankey hold eighteen meetings in it weekly, and day by day the hall is packed to overflowing. Mr Moody gave his lecture on Daniel, at eight o'clock last Sunday morning, to an audience of not less than ten thousand; and those who could not find room in the hall were addressed in the Circus adjoining by Captain Dutton, of the 'Allan Line.' Many thousands had to travel long distances in the bitter weather to reach the hall in time for the meeting. No movement like it has ever been seen in this part of England.

The finger of God is seen in all departments of the work. The erection of Victoria Hall for the meetings made the expenses of the visit to Liverpool unusually heavy. We had no building large enough in this town to accommodate the audiences we expected, and so necessity was laid upon us to provide a temporary building. No direct solicitation for subscriptions has been made. It was decided to leave this and all other matters connected with the movement in the hand of the Lord, and he has made the darkness light before us. Many friends, who would not in ordinary circumstances have been expected to give, have sent in considerable sums toward the expenses. Nearly four thousand pounds have been already received, and God will provide the rest. Then, again, the apathy of many in the meetings has been turned into the deepest interest. Opposition to the movement is diminishing. In fact, it may be said there is now no intelligent opposition and any ignorant opposition that exists is fast melting away. When the critics 'come and see ' the work of the Lord, they very soon assume a respectful attitude. Testimony to the blessed results, of the meetings is most abundant. Every day large numbers of sincere inquirers testify, by their eager desire to know the way of God more fully by private conversation in the ' inquiry room,' that the truth has taken a living hold upon them; and the Spirit of God is without doubt carrying on his work of grace in the hearts of many who, on this subject, speak with no one but himself. The universal testimony, not only of the majority of the clergymen of Liverpool, but of ministers from all parts of Wales and the North of England, who have come to the meetings, is that their own souls have been strengthened and that they feel God is preparing them for times of refreshing and revival in their several spheres of labour, such as they have not seen before. There are few Sunday schools here where the teachers are not teaching with new fervour and power. Some are filled with amazement at what the Lord is doing in their classes. Take one instance of twenty lads, mostly employed in an iron-work at Birkenhead, where youth, as in other workshops, too often and too readily learn the blasphemous language and vile ways of the workmen. Their Sunday-school teacher is praising God today for the change wrought upon his class within the past weeks. Instead of foul talk, they are now heard singing Mr Sankey's Gospel hymns; and by their conduct to their parents and teacher, and both in their work and out of it, they are showing that they have been with Jesus.

Take another case of a similar sort. At a ship-building yard not far from Birkenhead, the young lads, since these special meetings commenced in Victoria Hall, have met for prayer and the reading of the Scriptures in the smithy during the dinner-hour, until the men began to drop in, and the number so increased that, last Sunday week, they applied for accommodation for this dinner-hour prayer meeting in a neighbouring mission house, and at the gathering last Friday sixty-four were present, and the presence of God was felt to be with them. No one but God knows where the movement in Victoria Hall will end. No eye but his can trace the subtle and heavenly influence that passes from heart to heart, and from one district to another. The fallow ground in Liverpool has been broken up as it had never been before, and the conviction in many minds is firmly established that a time of grace has begun here that will go on extending and deepening until Christ comes again. The remark which dropped from the lips of one of our leading laymen at the close of the meeting for Christian workers last Sunday week accurately describes the universal feeling of all Christian hearts: 'We can never be as we have been.' The voice of the Lord has been heard in our very midst, and the Church dare not and can not disregard it. Let Christ's people throughout the country go on praying for Liverpool. 

The meetings on Sunday last were overwhelming. Four times Victoria Hall was crowded to its utmost capacity, while Newsome's Circus and St. James's Hall were twice filled. There must have been not less than forty-five thousand persons present at the various meetings.

"The Times of Blessing, March 4th, 1875,"

On Friday afternoon and evening, special services, conducted throughout in the Welsh language, were held in Victoria Hall, for the special benefit of the Welsh population of Liverpool and the surrounding district. Liverpool has often been called the capital of Wales, and certainly the attendances at the services on Friday would justify that appellation, for there were certainly more persons present-and it is to be presumed that they were all natives of the Principality from the fact that the services were in Welsh-than could have been got together at any of the centres of population in Wales. In the afternoon the congregation numbered about 5,000 people, whilst at night the entire hall had to be thrown open, and it was nearly as crowded as when Messrs. Moody and Sankey were present at the services. The Rev. John Thomas, minister of the Independent Chapel, Netherfield-road, Liverpool, conducted both services, and he was supported by a large number of Welsh ministers, not only of Liverpool, Birkenhead, and neighbourhood but also from Wales. In the afternoon, addresses were delivered by the Rev. W. Jones, Shaw-street Wesleyan Chapel; the Rev. W. Roberts, Park-road Independent Chapel; and the Rev. Hugh Jones, pastor of the Presbyterian Chapel, Netherfield -road. The addresses in the evening were by the Rev. J. Thomas, the Rev. J. Hughes, Presbyterian Chapel, Fitzclarence-street; the Rev. J. Evans, Wesleyan minister; and the Rev. Owen Thomas, of the Prince's-road Presbyterian Chapel. The hymns sung at each service were from the collection of the Welsh Presbyterian hymn book. The singing was led by Mr Eleazer Roberts, and the choir consisted of the principals from the choirs of the Welsh chapels in Liverpool and Birkenhead. The addresses were vigorous in tone, and produced a visible effect, judging from the number of persons who appeared to be weeping. Either Welsh ministers have a more ready way of touching the hearts of their congregations, or the Welsh people are more impressionable than the ordinary run of congregations, for no fewer than 200 persons were found in the inquiry room at the close of the evening's service, which we believe is a larger number than was attracted there in one night by the efforts of Messrs. Moody and Sankey.

Llangollen Adveriser, 26th March 1875.

Related Wells