Ewing Place Church Glasgow - D L Moody (1874)

Dr Stalker gave an account of a meeting held in Ewing Place Church, known from its results as the Hundred and One Night. "The large church was packed from floor to ceiling. After Dr Wilson's address, five students of the New College spoke in succession—Henry Drummond, James Brown, Frank Gordon, James Miller, and James Stalker. At this point, Mr Moody, who had been at another meeting, came in accompanied by Principal Cairns, who delivered a brief address. Seeing how deep the impression was, Mr Moody ordered the front seats to be cleared and then invited those who wished to decide for Christ to come forward and occupy the vacant pews. Thereupon from every part of the building a stream began to flow along the passages until a hundred and one young men took their places in front; and Mr Moody proceeded to deal with them solemnly and tenderly." On the following evening the number who took their stand was even larger. The work continued for many months.

From ‘Scotland Saw His Glory’ edited by Richard Owen Roberts, published by International Awakening Press, 1995.


While Moody still preached at the City Hall, in Ewing Place church, “packed from floor to ceiling“, five Edinburgh students led by Henry Drummond gave “brief, solemn, stirring appeals.“ Hood Wilson followed on “Why not tonight?“ Moody slipped in. The moment that Hood Wilson stopped. Moody said, quite quietly, “All those who are sure they are Christians, stand up!… “Sit down again, please! The three pews in front here I want them cleared. Anyone who wants to take Christ as their Saviour, you all come forward now, so we can pray for you. Let us bow our heads as they come.“

There was extraordinary movement in a tight silence that could be felt. “From every part of the building a stream began to flow.“ Moody lifted his eyes, prayed aloud, and to one of the Edinburgh students, James Stalker, “the sense of Divine power became overwhelming, and I remember quite well turning round on the platform, and hiding my face in my hands, unable to look on the scene anymore.“ The front seats filled. Moody cleared the next pew and the next.

An usher counted 101 come forward. “Christian friends remained conversing with the anxious till about 12 o’clock." Towards the end a youth who said he had been sick in Christ for a long time, was going away without relief; “Mr Moody came up and took me kindly by the hand. He looked at me – I might say, he put his two eyes right through mine – and asked me if I would take Christ now. I could not speak, but my heart said, Yes."

"Moody without Sankey," by John Pollock, pages 132-3.


Additional Information

Ewing Place Church burned down in 1959.

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