Lochend Free Church, Campbeltown - D L Moody (1874)

Ar the pressing request of the ministers and others, Mr Moody came on a visit to Campbeltown on Saturday,
August 29th, and preached three times on Sunday - in the morning, at nine o'clock, in the Lochend Free Church; at the forenoon diet, in the United Presbyterian Church; and in the evening, in the Established Gaelic Church. Mr Sankey was not with him, but a choir composed chiefly of young ladies conducted the hymns in Mr Sankey's collection.

The Free Church was full in the morning, the United Presbyterian Church in the forenoon was crowded to excess, and in the evening the large Established Church was not capable of containing the vast crowd which flocked to hear the great evangelist. Every conceivable part both of the United Presbyterian and the Established Churches was filled - passages, pulpit stairs, lobbies, etc - and in the evening so great was the desire to obtain a hearing that about an hour before the time of service the large church was filled.

Mr Moody in the forenoon took as the subject of his

remarks, "The Blood," and his discourse was listened to with great attention, his illustrations being peculiarly appropriate. In the evening he spoke of the glorious tidings the Gospel brought to sinners, its fulness and freeness; and in his eloquent manner brought out its truth in a manner at once intelligible and acceptable to every one of the hundreds present.

The church having been overcrowded, and others seeking admission, another meeting was held in the Drill Hall, Argyle Street, at which Mr McLeod Wylie gave a Gospel address, and the meeting was afterwards visited by Mr Moody. At the close of the meeting, Mr Moody held a further service with those who wished to become Christians. About sixty people who wished to be further instructed in the truth stood up at his request, with whom he held private converse for an hour or so.
address, entreating all present to be reconciled to God,

On Monday evening in the U.P. Church, and Tuesday at mid-day in Lorne Street Church, and in Longrow Church; and on Wednesday evening in the U P Church, Mr Moody held further meetings.

"Signs of Our Times," September 10th, 1874.

THE following-up, which is so important a part of evangelistic work has been happily carried on in Campbeltown since Mr Moody's visit. Miss Cotton, an English lady, who in God's good providence was here at the time of Mr Moody's work, kindly remained, at his request, to follow up the impressions made on those who had given themselves the opportunity of hearing the truth so plainly and clearly put by him, and also of bringing the gospel message to those who had not bestirred themselves to go and hear. In small towns as well as great cities there exists an outlying population - an untouched
mass that must be invaded to be reached; that never responds to the general invitation, but must have the message brought directly to itself.

To that class - always pressing on the minds of many praying ones - this servant of God gladly went forth, bearing the sweet word of Jesus, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" - more sweetly, gently, and lovingly told than they had ever before heard it spoken. 

Miss Cotton's subject, as had been previously intimated, was "Work."  The address began with John iv.: Christ's rest was work - an interview with the woman at the well. He sat down; being weary; she was thirsting for deeper water, and more living springs of rest that ever could be drawn from that old well, and the two weary hearts met. Saturday, at noon, the subject '"Guidance" was treated exhaustively, one might say, in exhortation to prayer for, and provision of, guidance - the latter illustrated by an eye, a sight, a voice, a hand, as given in Scripture. Monday, at noon, "Provision for God's children," in the evening their "Pleasures," were shown to be - the one so full, we should never go wanting, the other so great, we should never go sad. "There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad."

"Witness for Christ," and a powerful address on the duty and strength of "union," drawn from the 149th Psalm, closed this series, greatly enjoyed by the hundreds of women of all ages and classes who came to hear, and, we feel assured, made a blessing also. 

Besides, there were gospel addresses, listened to with intense interest and evident deep feeling by those little
accustomed to "care for these things." 

There were addresses to Sabbath-school children, and again to Sabbath-school teachers, and gospel addresses in a large hall to many hundreds.

No matter the audience, there were everywhere the same attention, the delighted gaze, the wet sympathetic eve; the people, young and old, rich and poor, spellbound, listening to the sweet message of peace, so sweetly given in the name of Jesus who had said to the wild waves, "Peace be still," and to the trembling one who had touched the hem of His garment, "Go in peace." Never, we feel assured, can Miss Cotton's visit to this remote district be forgotten, nor the practical illustration thus afforded of the "higher Christian life' and consecrated powers.

"Times of Blessing," Sep 27th, 1874.

The year ended has been felt by many in this town to be one of great blessing. 

Prayer and Work.

Begun, like many past years, with a week of united prayer, we have good reason to believe that our prayers have been largely answered. The week of prayer was followed by a week of evangelistic services in the United Presbyterian Church, in which we had the assistance not only of a minister from Glasgow, the Rev. Mr Barras but also of all the ministers of the town. As the people seemed willing to hear the truth, another week of such services was held in the English Free Church; another in the Gaelic Free Church; another in the Gaelic Established and another in the English Established. The course round the
churches was begun again and continued for a considerable time, and thus we had service every night in the town for months. Sometimes we had two services the same evening, one in English and another in Gaelic, and no way interfering with each other. The ministers were led to meet often with one another for prayer and conference, and for resolving on meetings and appointing each other to conduct them; and in the common work all denominationalism was forgotten, and the unity of the Spirit kept in the bond of peace.

When the work had gone on for a considerable time, we were favoured with a visit of two Christian brethren - Mr Cameron, evangelist, and Mr John Colville of this town. The regular meeting was now followed by a second meeting for guiding the
anxious to the Saviour. These second meetings were largely attended, and ministers and Christian friends had much of the blessed work laid on them of pointing awakened souls to Jesus. The anxiety appeared to us to be extensive, deep and intelligent. The difficulties propounded and the questions anxiously asked, were exactly such as might be expected
on conviction produced by the Holy Ghost. Sometimes anxiety was felt for days, and ten or fifteen minutes of the dinner hour would be spent in waiting upon ministers and receiving instruction in the way of life. These were short but precious seasons of converse with souls and God. Frequently when some doubt had been dispelled or some difficulty been removed, the anxious soul was led to close with Christ, to take God at His word, and rejoice. And most delightful it was to see those who had found peace in believing themselves doing all they could to bring others to the meetings and also to Jesus. For a considerable time this went on, and how many were led to close with Christ the day will declare. Meanwhile, interest was arising in the surrounding country and much good work was done in Drumlemble three miles, and at Saltpans, five miles from town, by an agent from the Scottish Evangelistic Society, while the ministers preached as often as it was in their power.

Young Men

The young men in town were now in a very interesting and promising state of feeling and it was felt that something special ought to be done for them. A meeting was held with them accordingly and at the request of the ministers of this town the Rev. Dr Boyd addressed them and took the necessary preliminary steps for forming them into a Christian Association.
The Association was formed and it has proved a great power for good among this most interesting class of the community.


We were then visited by the Rev. Mr Brenmer of Glasgow, and Earl Cavan; whose labours, by God's blessing, did much to continue and deepen the revival work and were the origin of a half-weekly noon meeting, which still continues. In August, Mr
Moody was able to comply with a pressing request from the ministers of the town to pay us a visit. Mr Sankey was not able to accompany him. The visit of Mr Moody gave a new impetus to the work. Multitudes waited upon his preaching while the second meetings were also largely attended. Much to his regret, the writer of this was from home at the time of Mr Moody's visit, but he had good authority for saying that the long looked for visit of God's servant was blessed for the quickening of the dead and the higher life of the living. Mr Moody was accompanied by a Miss Cotton, who continued with us sometime after he left us. She addressed large meetings, not just of her own but of both sexes, met with the poorest and most degraded of the population who very readily assembled to hear her, and exercised all her influence with Christian ladies of the town to enlist them in the work for Christ. A special meeting for converts was now begun in harmony with a suggestion from Mr Moody. Mr Scott and two brethren from Glasgow visited the town and addressed most suitably the first meeting. And we are glad to say that the meetings continue to be held weekly, with gratifying results.  

Systematic Work now going on 

The ministers of the town had, for a considerable time, been feeling that there was great Christian force in the town, lying unused, while a large population in our midst had not yet been touched. And after much earnest prayer and conference, invitations were read from the pulpits, calling upon God's people interested in Christian work to meet with us, and confer
as to how the working power for Christ in the town could be turned to most account. This brought a large assembly of Christian friends. And after several meetings, the town was divided into twenty districts, a superintendent and staff of visitors appointed for each, a scheme of visitation and system of weekly meetings cordially adopted. The three senior ministers were asked to prepare an address to the people, which the visitors agreed to deliver on the occasion of their first visit. We are happy to say that the work is going on vigorously. About 100 visitors are willingly labouring; weekly meetings are being held in the houses of the poor, in schoolrooms, or elsewhere, as may be most convenient, addressed by ministers, the superintendents, or other Christian friends. The seed is being extensively sown; we look up to God for the blessing, and we expect great results, though it should be after many days. We have made as little use of names in the above account as possible; for the work is the Lord's, and not to man but to God be all the glory.

"Times of Blessing," Feb 11th, 1875.





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