Stone (1875)

For some weeks past there has been a growing disposition among Conformists and Non-conformists to unite together for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the town. This was very marked, previous to the visit of Mr Spiers, March 1st to 5th... During the visit eight meetings were held, with ever-increasing numbers, until the spacious hall was literally rammed with a delighted auditory. The Holy Spirit moved mightily among the young and old and such scenes were witnessed that never in the memory of the oldest person were seen before. Many will have cause throughout eternity for blessing God that ever Mr Spiers's steps were directed to Stone. And how could it be otherwise, when thousands in the Victoria Hall, Liverpool and thousands of readers of "the Christian", had been earnestly praying for the divine blessing to be with our brother. Some of the further results, as the work goes on, I will tell to your readers.

"The Christian," March 18th, 1875.

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