Rock Ferry - Salvation Army (1882)

We can truly say the Lord is blessing us at this station. It does our hearts good to hear men who were once terrors to their families, stand up with tears in their eyes and tell out of full hearts what the Lord has done for them. Sunday was a blessed time; we felt the Master very precious to our souls and in the Free and Easy, one man said he thanked God for sending the Army here for, before it came, he used to spend all his money in the public house; now he takes it home to his wife. At night, the Rink was packed; hundreds turned away. We had a blessed time; 25 sinners plunged into the Fountain, making 56 for the week. Hallelujah!

From, 'The War Cry', May 1882.

This is just one example of what was happening here. More reports can be seen from the War Cry in future months/years.

Additional Information

I do not know where the meetings were held.

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