Luton - Salvation Army (1880)

At the close of our open-air meeting, captain Gypsy Smith detailed six soldiers to march on to Luton and attack the village.

Having arrived there the battery formed just by the "Hen and Chickens" where they commenced to fire some red-hot salvation shots which penetrated the publican's premises and sent his customers into the street to listen to us and to hear the good news of salvation. One came up to interfere with us here but one of our shots struck him and he was knocked back. Oh, praise the Lord, He will bring us off more than conquerors if we will only let Him lead the way. One dear aged man said he went to church and one of our soldiers asked them if ever he prayed when he got there and he said, “No; I only go to hear the Parson, sir; but, if you will come again next Sunday, I’ll come with you.” ... Thus ended one of our best Sabbaths and the best anniversary day we have had. Total number of passengers in the Gospel ship throughout the day - 33. Hallelujah!

From, 'The War Cry', July 1880.


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