North Ormesby - Salvation Army (1876)

Thank God we have had glorious success. Already our rooms are crowded to suffocation, in fact, our dear Brother Hobson, who loves to see men saved, brings all his chairs, and twice he has had his sofa brought into the hall to seat men and women who have never thought of going to any place of worship till the Mission came to North Ormsby, and many a poor lost one has while listening to the Gospel on Brother Robson's chairs and sofa, turned from sin and trusted Jesus.

Our holiness meetings are the secret of our prosperity. We meet. and consult Gocl's word upon the subject of entire sanctification. Many of our people enjoy the blessing, and many more are earnestly seeking to obtain it.

From, 'The Christian Mission Magazine', January 1877, page 24.

Additional Information

Meetings were in the Theatre Royal.


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