Moriah Congregational Chapel - Lower Gwalchmai (1905)

I am pleased to inform you that the Lord has visited his people in this neighbourhood as well. We have had two prayer meetings every evening since the start of the year; a general meeting, followed by  a meeting for the young people. The three denominations join together and we have had some wonderful meetings, especially meetings of the young people. I shall not try to describe them, except to say that the Lord has done wonderful things in our midst. The converts now number close on one hundred, but for all that there are many who have not given themselves to Jesus Christ. We can only pray on their behalf, and wait for the Lord through his Spirit to touch their hearts. Fellowship meetings are held by the various denominations once a week to converse with the converts, and it is a beautiful sight, to see so many together presenting themselves to the Redeemer and the Church.

Goleuad - 17th February 1905

Additional Information

Da genym eich hysbysu fod yr Arglwydd wedi weled a'i bobl yn y gymydogaeth hon hefyd. ydym wedi cael dau cyfarfod gweddi bob nos er dechreu y flwyddyn; cyfarfod cyffredinol, a chyfarfod i'r bobl ieuainc yn dilyn. Mae y tri enwad ymuno au gilydd, ac yr ydym wedi cael rhai cyfarfodydd bendigedig, yn enwedig Cyfarfodydd y bobl ieuainc. Ni cheisiwn eu desgrifio, ond yn ddweyd fod yr Arglwydd wedi gwneyd pethau rhyfedd yn ein plith. Rhifa y dychweledigion erbyn hyn yn agos i gant, ond er hyny mae yma lawer he roddi eu hunain i Iesu Grist. Nid oes genym ond gweddio ar eu rhan, a disgwyl am i'r Arglwydd trwy ei Ysbryd gyffwrdd a'u calonau. Cynhelir seiadau gan y gwahanol enwadau unwaith yn yr wythnos i ymddiddan a'r dychweledigion, a golygfa hardd ydyw, gweled cynifer gyda'u gilydd yn ymgyflwyno Gwaredwr a'r Eglwys.

Goleuad - 17th February 1905.

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