English Congregational Church - Bargoed (1905)

A fortnight ago all the Free Churches of Bargoed and District held spontaneously in their respective churches, prayer meetings, but last week the movement resolves itself into united revival meetings, going around the various places of worship in turn. These meetings were crowded in some innstances many failing to gain admission. The fervour of the meetings each night was unmistakable, and no special addresses were given, the people themselves spontaneously taking part in the services. Prayer, praise and testimony characterised the gatherings, and the result is about 50 converts professed during the first week. Apart from this, however, in connection with the meetings previously held, and subsequently there were over 120 converts.

From, 'New Tredegar, Bargoed and Caerphilly Journal', 17th December 1905.

The secretary reported - 22 new members and 4 inquirers. Most, if not all of these are standing good.

From, 'The South Wales Daily News', 11th January 1905.

Additional Information

The Catholics took over the church in 1917.

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